Teller Report

Germany implements "hard lockdown", Berlin has few pedestrians

12/16/2020, 12:26:51 PM

On December 16, local time, Berlin, Germany, there were few pedestrians near the iconic Brandenburg Gate. As the new crown epidemic continues to worsen, German Chancellor Merkel urgently convened a meeting with state governors on the 13th and made a resolution to upgrade the current “partial lockdown” to a “hard lockdown” from the 16th of this month to January 10th next year. . During this period,

On December 16, local time, Berlin, Germany, there were few pedestrians near the iconic Brandenburg Gate.

As the new crown epidemic continues to worsen, German Chancellor Merkel urgently convened a meeting with state governors on the 13th and made a resolution to upgrade the current “partial lockdown” to a “hard lockdown” from the 16th of this month to January 10th next year. .

During this period, most retail shops except food supermarkets must be closed, primary and secondary schools and kindergartens will also be closed, and the number of family gatherings during Christmas will be strictly limited.

Release time: 2020-12-16 18:50:19 【Editor: Wang Yi】