Teller Report

Endocrine disruptors (too) lurk in broken smartphone screens

12/16/2020, 3:13:34 PM

When broken, a cell phone screen releases cadmium, a chemical compound believed to be an endocrine disruptor. These substances, present in number in plastic, disrupt the functioning of hormones, explains doctor Jimmy Mohamed at the microphone of Europe 1, Wednesday.

When broken, a cell phone screen releases cadmium, a chemical compound believed to be an endocrine disruptor.

These substances, present in number in plastic, disrupt the functioning of hormones, explains doctor Jimmy Mohamed at the microphone of Europe 1, Wednesday.

What if replacing a broken cell phone screen was a more virtuous gift than giving a new smartphone?

Because beyond the ecological gesture of repairing an object instead of changing it, it is also a health gesture of the greatest importance, warns Jimmy Mohamed.

The doctor, columnist on Europe 1, explains Wednesday in the morning of Matthieu Belliard that the broken screen releases cadmium, a chemical compound considered as an endocrine disruptor.

“It is little known, but it is extremely important for your health and the health of your children to have your broken phone screens fixed, especially those of teenagers, who tend to neglect them. When broken, the Screen gives off an extremely toxic chemical compound called cadmium, which is a member of the family of endocrine disruptors, substances capable of disrupting the hormonal system by pretending to be a hormone or by disrupting those already present.

Disturbances of the ovaries, thyroid ...

However, our entire body is finely regulated by these hormones, like the thyroid, ovaries or pancreas.

The slightest disturbance can have dramatic consequences.

We know that it lowers fertility by reducing sperm, but it also increases testicular cancer, breast cancer and even other diseases like obesity and diabetes.

>> Find all of Jimmy Mohamed's health tips in podcast and replay here

These disruptors are found in plastic.

Without knowing it, we eat the equivalent of a credit card per week of plastic because the plastic around us is everywhere.

Wooden spatulas and toys

Here are some simple tips to apply: in the kitchen, avoid plastic as much as possible and favor glass bottles instead.

Utensils, such as spatulas, are best made from wood.

In view of the period, Santa Claus would also be well advised to choose wooden toys.

It will be better for the planet, but also for the children. "