Teller Report

"Culture is offered": the great initiative of Amir to promote culture for Christmas

12/16/2020, 2:43:45 PM

The singer Amir launched on Instagram the campaign `` Culture suffers, culture offers itself ''. An initiative to encourage the French to offer cultural goods during the holidays. The goal is to combine the useful with the pleasant, so that the gifts bought for Christmas benefit a cultural sector hit hard by the health crisis, as he explained in "Culture Médias".

The singer Amir launched on Instagram the campaign "Culture suffers, culture offers itself".

An initiative to encourage the French to offer cultural goods during the holidays.

The goal is to combine the useful with the pleasant, so that the gifts bought for Christmas benefit a cultural sector hit hard by the health crisis, as he explained in "Culture Médias".


Museums, cinemas, concert and performance halls… All places of culture remain closed because of the health crisis.

To breathe new life into the cultural sector, which supports more than a million people in France, singer Amir is launching with other personalities the initiative "Culture suffers, culture is offered".

This campaign promotes the purchase of cultural objects to offer them at Christmas.

Amir explains the principle at the microphone of Philippe Vandel in 

Culture Médias


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"Everything that has been stopped for several months"

The idea came to Amir while he was looking for solutions with his friend actress Julia Molkhou and graphic designer Joachim Roncin.

It is the latter, already at the origin of the famous "Je suis Charlie" and the logo of the 2024 Olympic Games in Paris, which signs the visual "Culture suffers, culture is offered".

"The idea is to encourage people to buy cultural objects", summarizes the singer.

"It's very broad, it concerns museums, theaters, music, cinema, absolutely everything that has been at a standstill for several months."

The advantage is twofold according to Amir: to offer a gift that pleases and to support a sector in difficulty.

"I think of all the people in the shadows who have not had a job for several months, who do not know exactly when they are going to resume, who have stopped in spite of themselves from offering dreams," he explains.

See this post on Instagram

A post shared by ᴀᴍɪʀ (@amir_officiel_)

A sign of hope for 2021

At a time when many artists are taking a stand against the closure of places of culture, this initiative turns the gaze on its head.

"I am not in a position to criticize the government. Quite frankly, I do not have the scientific capacity," says the singer and former dentist.

"On the other hand, emotionally, I am outraged. Because I know that we miss each other, that we long for each other. I haven't been on stage since last year. It's a vital thing for artists."

According to Amir, offering concert or cinema tickets for the year 2021 sends a message of hope to the world of culture.

"Providing culture means saying to yourself 'We will meet again next year, things will change'," he said.