Teller Report

The 10 questions that the applicants to the theoretical test of the card fail the most

12/15/2020, 3:24:20 PM

Every year, hundreds of thousands of students take tests to obtain a driving license. But the vast majority have to repeat the exam: according to Formaster, the Association Pr

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Every year, hundreds of thousands of students take tests to obtain a driving license.

But the vast majority have to repeat the exam: according to Formaster, the Professional Association of Road Safety Training Companies,

only 27% of those who take the practical test pass it the first time, while in the theoretical exam the percentage of pass on first call it amounts to 45%.

In line with this last result, PONS Seguridad Vial has made a report with the 10 questions most failed by students in the preparation tests for obtaining the B driving license during 2020.

The base has been the more than two million online tests carried out through the PONS GO platform with which more than 2,500 driving schools work.

According to Fernando Solas, head of Training at PONS Seguridad Vial and author of the report,

traffic signs continue to be the ones that cause the most problems, "given the great variety that exists and their specifications."

Although there are also questions related to the maximum allowed alcohol level, about motorcycles and the classic regulations.

As a novelty, this year the most unsuccessful questions are added to two related to

new content, such as ADAS (Advanced Driving Assistance Systems).

These are the 10 questions and the explanation of the failures.

1. If you are in possession of a class A1 permit, one and a half years old, and you obtain a B permit, what is the maximum alcohol allowed while driving your car?

A. 0.15 grams per liter of blood.

B. 0.30 grams per liter of blood.

C. 0.50 grams per liter of blood.

Correct answer: B

The BAC for drivers during the two years after obtaining the first driving license is: 0.3 g / l (in blood).

0.15 mg / l (in exhaled air).

The "L" must be worn by novice drivers for 1 year, but in relation to alcohol it is two years from obtaining the first driving license

with the rate reduced compared to the general rule.

2. This sign ...

A. indicates a path reserved exclusively for cycles.

B. indicates a path reserved for pedestrians and cycles.

C. prohibits bicycles from riding on the road.

Correct answer: B

This sign indicates the existence of a path for pedestrians and cycles, segregated from motorized traffic, and that runs through open spaces, parks, gardens or forests.

The error in this question is produced by believing that it is an exclusive road for cycles, as it may seem from the silhouette,

although it is a road reserved for pedestrians and cycles.

Do not confuse with the circular sign with the blue background and this same white silhouette because this sign is exclusively for cycles.

3. In this situation, can you drive in the center lane?

A. No, you must travel in the right lane.

B. Yes, because the road is not saturated.

C. Yes, if the movement of other vehicles behind is not impeded.

Correct answer: A

The driver of a car when driving out of town on roads with more than one lane for their direction of travel, will drive on the one located furthest to their right, although, they can use the rest when traffic or road circumstances advise it. , (to overtake, facilitate incorporation, due to saturated traffic, etc.), provided that it does not hinder the progress of another who follows.

The problem is that many drivers violate this rule, which misleads future applicants.

4. In view of the sign, do pets have right of way when crossing the road?

A. Yes, when accompanied by a cattle driver.

B. No.

C. Yes, when they go in a group.

Correct answer: B

Drivers have priority of passage for their vehicles with respect to animals, except in duly marked creeks;

when they are going to turn with their vehicle to enter another road and there are animals crossing it, although there is no passage for them and when the vehicle crosses a shoulder where animals that do not have a stream are circulating.

The important thing here is that

to be considered a duly signposted gorge, the sign that appears in the photograph must appear next to the complementary "gorge" panel.

5. At an intersection without express signage, the general rule of right of way is ...

A. yield to faster vehicles, bicyclists, and pedestrians.

B. yield to vehicles on the left.

C. yield to vehicles approaching from the right.

Correct answer: C


At intersections where there is no sign that regulates the right of way, you are obliged to yield it to vehicles approaching from the right.

Where there is a signal, what it says will be followed.

6. When backing out of a parking lot with your vehicle, which has the cross traffic alert system, you should know that this system ...

A. will help the driver by avoiding the obstacle the moment it detects it.

B. take control of the vehicle by stopping it immediately when it detects an approaching vehicle.

C. will issue an audible and / or visual warning when it detects an approaching vehicle.

Correct answer: C


Cross traffic alert system, if it detects an approaching vehicle, it will issue an audible and / or visual warning.

Although the most advanced also brake the car.

7. Generally, on motorcycles the rear brake is applied ...

A. with the right foot.

B. with the left foot.

C. The rear brake is not operated with the foot, it is operated with the left hand.

Correct answer: A


Generally, motorcycle controls are operated, with the left-hand lever the clutch, the acoustic signals and the lights.

With the right, accelerator and front brake.

With the left foot, the gear change and with the right foot, the rear brake.

8. What positive effects does the Start-Stop system of the vehicle have?

A. Reduces vehicle emissions and consumption.

B. Brake the vehicle before a stop sign.

C. It reduces the consumption of the vehicle, only.

Correct answer: A


Star-Stop is a car starting system that shuts down the engine when idling and turns it back on when the clutch is depressed.

Reduces emissions by up to 5% and consumption by up to 15%.

Although some drivers believe that it turns the engine off and on "too many times", causing premature engine deterioration.

Nothing is further from reality.

9. A tractor pulling a trailer, what maximum speed should not be exceeded out of town?

A. 25 kilometers per hour.

B. 40 kilometers per hour.

C. 70 kilometers per hour.

Correct answer: A

The maximum speed for special vehicles and vehicle sets, also special, even if only one of those that make up the set

is of

such a nature,

will be 25 km / h if they lack braking signaling, have a trailer or are powered cultivators.

In all other cases, it is 40 km / h.

10. The indications of this traffic light refer to ...

A. Exclusively for cycles and mopeds.

B. exclusively to cycles.

C. to all two-wheelers.

Correct answer: A


The traffic light allows the passage exclusively to cycles and mopeds.

The students usually answer that the traffic light refers exclusively to cycles, because

the silhouette that exists is of a cycle but refers to cycles and mopeds, to which it allows the passage.

According to the criteria of The Trust Project

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