Teller Report

Mora's assistant team captain: "You get thoughtful, what happened?"

12/15/2020, 10:53:50 AM

Mora turned a 0-3 deficit into 8-4 and took a big scalp in Västerbotten against Björklöven. After the match, however, the talk has come to be about suspected match-fixing, something Mora's assistant team captain does not want to believe. - I do not want to believe that anyone in Björklöven has done this, but it certainly raises questions, says Adam Masuhr to SVT Sport.

"The miracle in Umeå" is the name of Mora's website, a text about the seemingly unlikely turn that the valley team stood for yesterday against Björklöven.

0-3 deficit in the first period ended in a win 8-4.

During the match, the live bet on the match from Svenska Spel was stopped after "mysterious odds movements" and the Swedish Ice Hockey Association has now started an investigation into match-fixing.

Hot topic of conversation on the bus

According to Mora's assistant team captain Adam Masuhr, the news was a hot topic of conversation on the bus journey home from Umeå.

- It is clear that you become thoughtful, what has happened?

But at the same time, I do not think there are so many in the team who think that it was actually match-fixing, says Adam Masuhr to SVT Sport and continues:

- If this did not appear with the change in odds, I do not think anyone would have said anything.

There were very few in the bus who thought that someone in Björklöven or Björklöven themselves had agreed to this.

There was nothing out on the ice that you have reacted to afterwards?

- Björklöven have very good positions and I do not think they make a bad match.

Then we had floated and a lot of pucks fell in for us.

But matches like this have happened before without there being any suspicion of match-fixing or anything like that.

"I'm naive"

Adam Masuhr finds it difficult to speculate on how widespread match-fixing is in hockey.

- I'm naive, I do not think it happens.

It may be happening somewhere in the world, but somehow I do not think it is happening here.

It's about knowing the people you play against and knowing what kind of guys it is.

Björklöven to me feels like a damn competing team and a good bunch of guys and I do not think they would do something like this, Masuhr says to SVT Sport.