Teller Report

Lockdown begins: public life is shut down

12/15/2020, 11:13:33 PM

Schools and daycare centers are closed, the retail trade largely closed: for the second time this year, public life in Germany is drastically restricted. The aim is to break the corona wave.


Berlin (dpa) - The tough lockdown has begun across Germany to curb the spread of the corona virus.

From today until January 10th, the corresponding ordinances will apply in the federal states.

Retail stores have to close, exceptions only apply to stores that meet daily needs.

Schools remain closed or the compulsory attendance is suspended.

Hairdressers and other service providers in the personal care sector are also no longer allowed to open.

With the tough restrictions, the federal and state governments want to break the wave of new infections in Germany.

The aim is to bring the number of new infections per 100,000 inhabitants to a maximum of 50 within a week in order to make contact tracking possible again.

According to data from the Robert Koch Institute (RKI), this so-called seven-day incidence was 173.7 on Tuesday.

The lowering of the value is also to prevent the clinics from becoming overloaded, especially the intensive care units.


For the time being, private meetings are still limited to your own household and one other household.

A maximum of five people can come together.

Children up to 14 years are not counted.

A special rule applies only from December 24th to 26th.

"In close family circles, meetings with 4 people who go beyond their own household (plus children up to 14 years of age) are possible, even if this means more than two households or 5 people over 14 years of age," writes the federal government on its website.

As always, the exact design is a matter for the federal states, which regulate this accordingly in their respective Corona ordinances.

In general: the schools are closed or the compulsory attendance is suspended.

Emergency care is ensured and distance learning is offered.

Daycare centers are also closed.

Emergency care is possible.

In retail, there are exceptions for grocery stores, pharmacies and post offices.

Chancellor Angela Merkel (CDU) agreed on these drastic steps with the Prime Ministers of the 16 federal states on Sunday in view of the rapidly increasing number of infections.

They are initially limited to January 10th.

On January 5th, the federal government and the federal states want to take stock and advise on the next route.

© dpa-infocom, dpa: 201216-99-708022 / 2

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