Teller Report

Hertha missed Labbadia's target: zero number against Mainz

12/15/2020, 9:44:31 PM

display Berlin (dpa) - Mainz 05, Hertha coach Bruno Labbadia screwed up the first Christmas wish. With consistent defensive tactics, the Rheinhessen came to a zero number in the Bundesliga on Tuesday evening after the last setbacks and scored a point in the relegation battle. Although the Berliners remained undefeated in the fourth game in a row at the Olympic Stadium, they missed the first vict


Berlin (dpa) - Mainz 05, Hertha coach Bruno Labbadia screwed up the first Christmas wish.

With consistent defensive tactics, the Rheinhessen came to a zero number in the Bundesliga on Tuesday evening after the last setbacks and scored a point in the relegation battle.

Although the Berliners remained undefeated in the fourth game in a row at the Olympic Stadium, they missed the first victory target announced by Labbadia before the short holiday break due to a poor performance.

With 13 points, Hertha is tenth in the table and missed the leap into the top half of the table for at least one night.

Mainz remains in penultimate place with six points.


The game began with a loud “Ha Ho He” from the main stand to cheer on the ambitious Berliners, who then found it difficult.

The Mainz played in defense consistently with a five-man chain.

The announcement by FSV trainer Jan-Moritz Lichte that he wanted to do more than just “limit damage” and win in the capital was hardly followed by offensive actions by Rheinhessen, which had been weak for weeks.

Leandro Barreiro's (40th) hit the crossbar came about by chance and out of nowhere.

Hertha coach Bruno Labbadia, who was walking around tense in his ocher-colored lucky coat in his coaching zone, put on three points in Matheus Cunha, Javairô Dilrosun and Krzysztof Piatek, but they long lacked the connection to the game.

The Berliners, who started with the self-confidence of the three games in a row without defeat, presented themselves surprisingly conservative against the penultimate.

Labbadia had demanded before the game that he and his team had to "push our limits".

Lichte stoically watched the first half from a corner of his coaching zone.

He had changed his team to five positions, including striker Jean-Philipp Mateta for the first time and captain Danny Latza initially sat on the bench.

The rotation didn't bring more momentum, but at least stability in defense.

Neither team got a shot on goal in the first half - a first for this season.


In the Berlin rain, Labbadia clapped her hands encouragingly after the break.

The FSV had the chance to take the lead first: After a sharp cross, Kevin Stöger's deflected shot just missed the Hertha goal (53rd).

The hosts still couldn't think of much.

Not even when the FSV played a little more courageously and this resulted in more rooms for Berliners in the Mainz half.

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Bundesliga schedule



Hertha BSC

FSV Mainz 05

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