Teller Report

Goalkeeper Connor Ingram leaves Björklöven: "It was decided last week"

12/15/2020, 1:35:11 PM

After yesterday's scandal-ridden match between Björklöven and Mora, goalkeeper Connor Ingram has had to leave the club. Several media reported that the goalkeeper had been fired after the effort, something "Lövens" sports director Per Kenttä now strikes back. - It is completely incorrect information that has come to light. It was clear already last week that Connor would leave, Kenttä says to Björklöven Play.

In the middle of the match, Svenska Spel stopped the possibility of live betting on the match, which ended 4-8.

Deviating odds movements gave rise to suspicions of gambling fraud, which will now be investigated by both Svenska Spel and the Swedish Ice Hockey Association.

Goalkeeper Connor Ingram, who was responsible for a less good effort both then and in the surprising loss against Väsby just over two weeks ago, is now forced to leave the team.

Directly incorrect information that has emerged

Several media quoted an SMS from sports director Per Kenttä which read: "He is sent home immediately, he was not good".

Kenttä says that he has never sent the SMS and says instead that Connor Ingram's farewell was planned before.

- It is completely incorrect information that has come to light.

It was already clear last week that Connor would leave, says Kenttä and adds:

- I have been in dialogue with Nashville (Predators to which Ingram belongs, editor's note).

They announced on Thursday that they will pick over him and he played his last match yesterday.

Worst man has been through

Per Kenttä also gets to comment on the feelings after the match-fixing accusations from yesterday's match.

- Right now it is very turbulent and chaotic.

If we go to the match itself, we have eight outstanding minutes where we lead 3-0, then we have 52 minutes that go down in history as the worst thing you have been through and seen on a hockey field.

But that's what happens on a hockey field, that teams clap through, says Kenttä.

- Above all, we have to sit down with the team and discuss what happened yesterday and go to the bottom with the effort yesterday, says Björklöven sports manager to Björklöven Play.

Connor Ingram has been on loan to Björklöven from Nashville's organization since the beginning of November.

Already when the loan was completed, Björklöven announced that Nashville had the right to call Ingram home when the season began.

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Three questions: Why are games stopped at matches