Teller Report

Private schools: The electronic examination system is intended for questions and not for correcting them

12/12/2020, 10:09:28 PM

Students of the students said that the electronic system for correcting the examinations "remotely" gives inaccurate results for the test scores, as it was noticed that a wrong answer was given to some correct answers, which confused the students and their families, and made them doubt the validity of the results of the examinations that took place from the distance, pointing out that

Private schools: The electronic examination system is intended for questions and not for correcting them

Students' relatives said that the electronic system for correcting examinations "remotely" gives inaccurate results for exam scores, as it was noticed that a wrong answer was given to some of the correct answers, which confused students and their families, and made them doubt the validity of the results of the examinations that took place remotely, indicating that they asked Their children's private schools do not calculate the grades corrected by the electronic system, and the exams are traditionally corrected by subject teachers, to ensure that the student gets the correct grades, according to the answers that have been chosen.

On the other hand, teachers in private schools told Al-Emarat Al-Youm that schools instructed students not to press the “exam result” mark after completing the exam, and to press only the “deliver or send” mark, and to approve the final results from schools, because the system The electronic exam is intended for exam questions, not for correcting them or showing their results.

In detail, relatives of students: Rawiyah Khalil, Saud Al-Mahmoud, and Tariq Anbar indicated that correcting the exam questions via the electronic system led to their confusion, as some correct answers were counted as wrong, and they continued that they contacted teachers and school administrations in order to inform them of the topic .

They added: “The electronic examination system was supposed to be developed without marking (the result of the exam), after the student sent the exam as soon as it was completed, so as not to confuse him, especially since the answers are optional and easy, and do not need a long time to answer them.”

They explained that they had asked their children's schools to repeat some exams, given the low results that were calculated by the electronic system.

Specialists in information technology in private schools, Imad Al-Harfy, Taher Abdul Latif and Alaa Yassin, said that the electronic system for the end of the first semester exams is dedicated to selecting the student the correct answer from among the multiple options, and that the (exam result) mark after pressing the (submit) mark appears for some students , It is not enabled officially, and does not give accurate results for correct answers.

They added that teachers asked students, at the start of any exam, not to click on the (send exam) option, without informing the teacher or the exam supervisor of the completion of the answer, as students are instructed to review the questions and ensure the correctness of the answers, and press the (send) sign without pressing Any other sign.

They explained that exams are corrected and answers are reviewed by subject teachers before they are officially approved by school administrations, pointing out that families and students must be reassured of the correctness of the answers chosen by students, and that schools do not rely on the results of the electronic system.

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