Teller Report

Biden tweeted: The United States will return to the "Paris Agreement" in 39 days

12/12/2020, 11:46:46 PM

Overseas, Dec. 13 (Xinhua) US President-elect Joe Biden Local 12 on its social media announced that the US will return to the "Paris Agreement" in 39 days.   Biden tweeted: "Five years ago today, countries around the world passed the Paris Agreement on climate change. After 39 days, the United States will rejoin. We will unite the world, promote greater and faster progress, and face the response.

Overseas, Dec. 13 (Xinhua)

US President-elect Joe Biden Local 12 on its social media announced that the US will return to the "Paris Agreement" in 39 days.

  Biden tweeted: "Five years ago today, countries around the world passed the Paris Agreement on climate change. After 39 days, the United States will rejoin. We will unite the world, promote greater and faster progress, and face the response. The climate crisis."

  On November 4, 2019, the U.S. government officially notified the United Nations to withdraw from the "Paris Agreement" to address global climate change.

On November 4 this year, the United States formally withdrew from the "Paris Agreement" and became the only party to withdraw from the "Paris Agreement" so far.

(Overseas Net Yang Jia)

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