Teller Report

“Education”: a trend to appoint retired experts as advisors and mentors

12/12/2020, 8:47:12 PM

The Minister of Education, Hussein Ibrahim Al Hammadi, revealed what he described as an "ambitious project" implemented by the ministry, to attract and include a large number of retired citizens, experts in different sectors in the state, to work as advisers and mentors to the ministry, with the aim of controlling the rhythm of the educational process.

A parliamentarian proposes to seek the help of retirees from the "interior" to protect students from drugs

“Education”: a trend to appoint retired experts as advisors and mentors

  • Hussein Al Hammadi: “The Ministry of Education suffers from a shortage of educational psychologists.”


The Minister of Education, Hussein Ibrahim Al Hammadi, revealed what he described as an "ambitious project" implemented by the ministry, to attract and include a large number of retired citizens, experts in different sectors in the state, to work as advisors and mentors to the ministry, with the aim of controlling the rhythm of the educational process, stressing that The ministry suffers from a shortage in the profession of educational psychologists, while a member of the Federal National Council, Hamid Ali Al-Abbar Al-Shamsi, suggested that the Ministry appoint retired Ministry of Interior retirees in schools to detect students who were "drug users".

Al Shamsi called on the Ministry of Education to adopt a new mechanism to enhance its efforts in discovering cases of abuse of narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances among school and university students, suggesting that the Ministry would seek the help of experts from the Ministry of Interior from retired, working in the departments concerned with combating narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances, to occupy positions that contribute to Examine the cases of abuse among students, because they possess the knowledge and the ability to discover such cases among students.

Al Shamsi stressed, during the session of the Federal National Council, which was held last week, that the use of these experts will greatly contribute to protecting students from the dangers of the spread of narcotic substances and psychotropic substances through bad friends, and help guide students, and preserve their health and safety from the negative effects they leave. Those materials.

Al Shamsi also stressed the need for a psychologist in every school to protect students from problems, pointing to the importance of the role of this specialty in schools, that the mechanism for directing, guiding and educating students will not be completed unless there are psychologists inside the school corridors, who are assigned a number of tasks and responsibilities related to discovering behaviors That students acquire as a result of their relationships with bad friends, such as drug abuse, etc.

During the session, the Minister of Education, Hussain Ibrahim Al Hammadi, responded to Al Shamsi’s intervention, saying: “The Ministry has embarked on an ambitious project that works to attract retired citizens from ministries and federal bodies and experts in the country's economic sectors, and to include them in the educational process, as advisors and mentors, including Contributes to the Ministry's efforts to develop the educational process system in the country.

The Minister of Education indicated the importance of the project in creating and creating an environment aimed at benefiting from the experiences of retirees, and investing these competencies in the educational field, especially since these experts work mostly on a voluntary basis free of charge, based on their keenness to communicate their experiences and knowledge, to benefit from them in the development of educational work in the state .

He added: “Building students’ personality is a very important matter, and a fundamental axis for the work of the ministry, which has a complete system for student counseling and care. There is cooperation with expert banks through which we concluded that there is a shortage of educational psychologists, and then there is cooperation with universities to launch this program, and this gives Experience and skill and their integration in the educational process ».

The session witnessed the members of the Council adopting a number of recommendations, during its discussion of a general topic about the Ministry of Education policy regarding supervision of schools, which were returned to the Committee for Education, Culture, Youth and Media Affairs in the Council, to update its wording according to the discussions that took place, the most important of which is the study and issuance of a federal law regarding the adoption and application of standards And the requirements for distance study, to be a ready-to-apply option, as well as raising the rates of Emiratisation in public and private schools, particularly in male schools.

Emiratisation in the educational sector

During the National Council session, members reviewed a parliamentary report, which confirmed that last year, the rate of Emiratisation reached (45%) in the government educational sector, while the percentage of Emiratisation in the teaching staff in the private sector reached (0.3%), which negatively affected the failure to achieve the targets The report emphasized that the rate of bullying among school students reached 31%, which is higher than the international average, which is 23%.

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