Teller Report

Paula Beer wins European Film Award

12/12/2020, 9:07:30 PM

In “Undine” she plays a rather mysterious female character. Paula Beer is now receiving a European Film Award for this. The 25-year-old is connected via video - and reacts surprised.


Berlin (dpa) - Actress Paula Beer has won the European Film Award for best actress.

The European Film Academy in Berlin announced on Saturday evening.

The 25-year-old was honored for her role in the love drama "Undine".

In the film by director Christian Petzold, she plays a historian who falls in love with an industrial diver (Franz Rogowski).

With the story, an old mermaid myth is brought from Romanticism to the Berlin of the present.

Beer is known for the television series “Bad Banks”, the feature film “Frantz” by François Ozon and the film adaptation of “Transit”, also by Petzold.

She has already won the Berlinale Silver Bear for her role as the mysterious Undine.


Beer was shown in a video slot on Saturday evening, this time the awards were given online.

At first there were problems with the transmission, then she was happy and thanked her: "This is really great."

The European Film Prize is one of the most prestigious awards in the industry.

The more than 3800 members of the film academy vote on many award winners, similar to the Oscars in the USA.

This time the awards were presented on several evenings in a row.

The award ceremony, which was actually planned in Iceland, had been canceled due to the pandemic; instead, this time the awards were given in a digital switch from Berlin.


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