Teller Report

Italian football legend Paolo Rossi dead

12/10/2020, 9:04:40 AM

Italian star player Paolo Rossi is dead. He was best known for playing a crucial role when Italy won the World Cup in 1982. He turned 64 years old.

The news of the death came early on Thursday morning via Rai Sport, where Paolo Rossi was an expert commentator.

Rossi is considered one of the best strikers ever and played for both AC Milan and Juventus.

He is best known for his efforts in the Italian national team, which salvaged the victory in the World Cup in 1982. Rossi scored six goals in the tournament and was responsible for a hat trick against favorite tipped Brazil, a match that the Italians won 3-2.

In the final against West Germany, he scored the first goal of the match, which Italy won 3-1.

He spent his entire club career in Italy, where he won Serie A twice with AC Milan and helped Juventus take home a title in the European Cup (now the Champions League).

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Italian football legend Paolo Rossi dead

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