Teller Report

Yakult Okugawa renews contract while maintaining the status quo

12/8/2020, 1:53:37 PM

[NHK] Pitcher Yasunobu Okugawa, the first-ranked rookie in the draft of professional baseball and Yakult, has renewed his contract with an estimated annual salary of 16 million yen to maintain the status quo.

Pitcher Yasunobu Okugawa, the first-ranked rookie in the draft of professional baseball and Yakult, has renewed his contract with an estimated annual salary of 16 million yen to maintain the status quo.

19-year-old pitcher Okugawa, who joined from Ishikawa Seiryo High School, pitched in 7 games in the 2nd army this season in his first year as a professional, leaving a record of 1 win and 1 loss and an ERA of 1.83.

He started the first pitch in the 1st army against Hiroshima on November 10th, the final game of the season, but lost 5 goals in the middle of the 3rd inning.

Pitcher Okugawa negotiated a contract at a baseball team office in Tokyo on the 8th, and renewed the contract with an estimated annual salary of 16 million yen to maintain the status quo.

At the press conference, pitcher Okugawa looked back on the first pitching of the 1st army and said, "I ended up with a result that I didn't have. talked.

Also, this season, there was a period when I couldn't throw because the condition wasn't good, so I plan to work hard on my body even when I'm off. "I don't think I have time to rest at all, so I want to practice well. I think that is the most important. "

For next season, I was enthusiastic that I would like to work with a strong feeling that I will play an active part on the stage of the 1st Army next year.