Teller Report

The final goal is not Juan Carlos I

12/7/2020, 2:20:05 AM

It takes a lot of naivety or cynicism not to realize how good it is for some parties to have Juan Carlos I in the news at all times. It is undoubted that it forms p

It takes a lot of naivety or cynicism not to realize how good it is for some parties to have

Juan Carlos I

in the news all the time.

It is undoubtedly part of the

demolition campaign underway against the Monarchy

, a pillar of our institutional framework and, do not forget, guarantor insofar as it symbolizes the unity and permanence of the Spanish nation.

Thus, what more could Podemos and those other anti-system formations obsessed with overthrowing what they call "the regime of 78" than to

turn Constitution Day into another day to attack the Crown


And it was the turn of the possible

regularization by the Emeritus King of funds of opaque origin

that he would have used through credit cards after 2014, that is, after his abdication, when it was no longer inviolable.

As in so many other things that damage the Monarchy, a new and interested government leak was immediately seen behind the threads.

Much better, of course, to talk about the former monarch than to



, after approving the Budgets for


, that Spain break into several "republics";

or the threats of the independence movement to continue with its coup process after the last decision of the Supreme Court to revoke the illegal third degree to the prisoners of 1-O; or of the misgivings that in Brussels provoke the attempts of the Government to assault the Justice or to gag the media.

The fact is that, as EL MUNDO has learned, for the moment the only certainty is that the legal team of Don Juan Carlos, totally alien to Zarzuela, would be exploring the possibility of regularizing the funds received in recent years by the Mexican businessman

Allen Sanginés-Krause

, which would have been verbally transferred to the Government, without any writing having yet been submitted to the

Tax Agency


But it did not take long for a half truth to be aired, which is as much as a half lie, in order to continue shaking the scarecrow of the King Emeritus at his convenience.

That said, if Don Juan Carlos had funds in opaque accounts, there is no doubt that he is obliged, not only from a legal point of view, but also morally, to proceed to

immediate regularization with the Treasury


And it would help his son, the current head of the Crown, and the institution that he prestigious with a meritorious work that has left an outstanding historical legacy, that his advisers help to

clarify his financial situation


What also seems essential is that Don Juan Carlos returns to Spain as soon as possible.

He should never have gone abroad, an erroneous operation and one that was going to come back like a boomerang, as was immediately demonstrated, whether it was raised from Zarzuela or from the Government itself, so little interested in propping up the institution.

The King emeritus does not have to date the status of being investigated in any judicial case

, although reality is distorted at all times by the enemies of our democracy and they lie talking about a flight that is not real.

In this matter, the truth is what matters least to those who only seek to tear down the load-bearing wall of the constitutional building.

According to the criteria of The Trust Project

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  • Spain

  • We can

  • Juan Carlos I

  • Tax agency

  • King Felipe VI Birthday

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  • Editorial

EditorialThe Government abuses opacity

Editorial Total discretion for Sánchez

EditorialLeopoldo López or democratic leadership

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