Teller Report

Eric Naulleau on the reviews of his first novel: "Considering my liabilities, I'm doing well"

12/7/2020, 6:51:07 PM

After two essays, author Eric Naulleau published & quot; Ruse & quot ;, his first novel. The TV columnist explains in `` Culture Médias '' how he received the reviews, he who was more used to giving them on the set of "We are not lying" than to receive them.

After two essays, author Eric Naulleau publishes "Ruse", his first novel.

The TV columnist explains in "Culture Médias" how he received the criticisms, he who was more used to giving them on the set of "We are not lying" than to receive them.


Eric Naulleau was for a long time one of the snipers of the show 

On n'est pas couché


Praise or disapproval, free or not, his reviews of works, and in particular of novels, have marked the spirits.

As he releases 


, his first novel, the roles of critic and critic are reversed for him.

An experience which he considers to be doing quite well, as he explains in 

Culture Médias

 on Europe 1, Monday.

>> Find Culture Médias in replay and podcast here

"When we talk about Zemmour, we are not talking about the book"

His novel, 


 a thriller set in Romania, seems to have been rather appreciated by critics.

"Apart from one or two settling of scores, the book was very well received," said Eric Naulleau himself.

"He was praised, I think I'm doing well, given my past and my liabilities. I thought there would be more settling of scores."

Because there were also, according to him, attacks against his person more than against his book.

"When a criticism begins by speaking of Eric Zemmour, it is because in fact the critic is talking about something other than my book. It is that he is trying to settle ideological accounts. with talent ", he summarizes, allowing himself, in his words, a" criticism of criticism ".