Teller Report

The 90-year-old expert Shanghai passed away and his relics are exhibited to inherit the heart and spirit of good doctors

12/7/2020, 9:53:41 AM

  China News Service, December 7 (Reporter Chen Jing) Chen Haozhu, academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering, is one of the main founders of contemporary Chinese cardiology, a well-known cardiologist and medical educator. On October 30, Chen Haozhu, who was 96 years old, died in Shanghai due to ineffective medical treatment. The exquisite, neatly written "pocket notes", the albums collecti

  China News Service, December 7 (Reporter Chen Jing) Chen Haozhu, academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering, is one of the main founders of contemporary Chinese cardiology, a well-known cardiologist and medical educator.

On October 30, Chen Haozhu, who was 96 years old, died in Shanghai due to ineffective medical treatment.

The exquisite, neatly written "pocket notes", the albums collecting scientific research records, the simple magnetized cups... Chen Haozhu's utensils were exhibited in Shanghai on the 7th.

  The reporter saw at the Academician Chen Haozhu Memorial Exhibition that the owner of the notebook carefully recorded clinically difficult cases with pen writing in small letters; page after page of albums tells the story of Chen Haozhu’s research on cardiac catheter interventions half a century ago; mottled The cracked cup was wrapped layer by layer with rubber bands by the owner... The old gentleman's simple life attitude and rigorous scholarship moved the audience.

Although Academician Chen Haozhu has a very simple life, he generously supports students and patients.

Photo courtesy of Zhongshan Hospital

  Although academician Chen Haozhu has a very simple life, he generously supports students and patients. He set up "Fudan University Academician Chen Haozhu Medical Scholarship" and "Fudan University Academician Chen Haozhu Medical Development Fund" to donate his usual accumulated income.

Under his proposal, the "Heart Liver Baby" charity project fully subsidized the medical and round-trip expenses of patients and accompanying family members, and has successfully rescued 46 children with congenital heart disease and 14 patients with liver disease from poor families in the western region.

  Fan Jia, Academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee and Dean of Zhongshan Hospital Affiliated to Fudan University, said that Academician Chen Haozhu has been engaged in cardiovascular medical treatment, teaching and scientific research for 71 years. He is the founder of interventional cardiology in China and promotes cardiovascular disease in China. The development of interventional diagnosis and treatment technology has made a significant contribution.

The "Internal Medicine" and "Practical Internal Medicine" edited by him are China's classic masterpieces in this field, which have influenced generations of medical students and clinicians.

While working in Zhongshan Hospital affiliated to Fudan University, Chen Haozhu interpreted the Zhongshan spirit of "all for the patient", and continued to work in the clinical frontline until he was more than 90 years old.

  It is reported that the Academician Chen Haozhu Memorial Exhibition will cherish the memory of old experts in various forms such as text, pictures, objects and videos. Through the five sections of "learning", "medicine", "research", "teaching" and "love", he will recall his wonderful and rich life. The shining charisma of personality and his outstanding contributions to the country and the people promote his forward-looking, pioneering and innovative scientific spirit and lifelong dedication to the medical cause.

  It is reported that Academician Chen Haozhu experienced wars when he was young, and witnessed the weakness of the poor in the motherland at that time, and set the life ambition of "not a good doctor, then a good doctor!"

During his lifetime, he taught by his words and deeds, always remembering and inheriting the spirit of "all for the patient", which has influenced generations of young doctors and cultivated a large number of outstanding medical talents.

Chen Haozhu has a heart for the world and devotes himself to medical public welfare undertakings, helping a large number of patients in poor areas.

  Jiao Yang, secretary of the Party Committee of Fudan University, said that the notebooks, dictionaries, rules, pen nibs and other personal items used during his lifetime vividly showed this rigorous and decent medical master.

Yuan Zhenghong, Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee of Fudan University and Secretary of the Party Committee of Shanghai Medical College, pointed out that as a doctor, Academician Chen Haozhu deeply loves the medical career; as a teacher, he deeply loves his students; as a leader, he has a heart Medical and health services in remote and backward areas of the motherland.

  At the Spiritual Exchange Meeting of Academician Chen Haozhu, Ge Junbo, academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and director of the Department of Cardiology, Zhongshan Hospital of Fudan University, mentioned that he had returned from studying abroad and was recommended by Academician Chen to become the deputy director of the Shanghai Institute of Cardiovascular Diseases. Academician Chen "hand-in-hand" taught him clinical and management.

In his memory, as long as there are various academic conferences attended by Academician Chen, whether it is a well-known expert or a young doctor giving a speech, Academician Chen will record useful knowledge and opinions in his notebook... Academician Chen teaches by example and deeds. He always interprets the spirit of a great doctor, and as a student of Academician Chen, he has benefited a lot.
