Teller Report

"Vampyria" in the dark court of the Sun King

12/7/2020, 9:54:20 AM

On the occasion of the Salon de Montreuil, from December 2 to 7, our community recommends a children's book every day: today, "Vampyria, livre 1: La Cour des Ténèbre"

Vampyria, Book 1: Court of Darkness -

Robert Laffon

  • Favorite readings can be shared.

  • On the occasion of the Salon de Montreuil, from December 2 to 7, our community recommends a children's book every day.

  • Today, “Vampyria, livre 1: La Cour des Ténèbre” by Victor Dixen, published on October 15, 2020 by Éditions Robert Laffont.

On the occasion of the Montreuil Children's Book Fair, Laura Said, contributor to the

20 Minutes


reading group

, recommends

Vampyria, book 1: La Cour des Ténèbre

 by Victor Dixen, published on October 15, 2020 by Éditions Robert Laffont.

Her favorite quote:

If you think a mouse is stupid, I can tell you that you are wrong, because the ones in my castle thwarted all traps.

In contrast, it takes patience to make conversation with a turkey - even the chicken emperor's daughter.

Our exchange, I believe, has just proved it.

Why this book?

  • Because the most famous of French monarchs

    has become immortal.

    You have to see him turn his backyard into a vampire backyard.

    Here, no vegetarian vampires, they puncture the people of the tithe of blood.

    No modern world, despite the 300 years that have passed since the transmutation of Louis XIV.

    We are truly at the court of Versailles, under the yoke of powerful vampires, although the customs are much more bloody and macabre.

    Welcome to the Year of Darkness 299, where no knocks go!

  • Because the heroine is a modern heroine who will fight

    to keep her convictions and her righteousness.

    In the court of darkness, Jeanne will have to make decisions and play it fine so as not to end up like those she hates more than anything in the world ... vampires.

  • Because I loved the characters, endearing and curious, as

    well as the plot set at the time of the Sun King (who never carried this name so badly despite the mask that hides it).

    But beware: the convictions we form about a particular character or situation may be undermined.

    Throughout the book, we ask ourselves questions, we vibrate with Jeanne during her misadventures and we have only one desire, to turn the pages, again and again, to discover the truth.

The essentials in 2 minutes

The plot.

 To avenge the death of her parents, Jeanne poses as a noble orphan and joins the prestigious school of the Great Stable.

In this academy training the future servants of vampires, she will have to pay attention to everything around her.

Because the slightest misstep comes at the cost of blood.


 Jeanne, a young commoner who became a ward of the King under the false name of Diane.

Tristan de La Roncière, student at the academy who hides some secrets.

Naoko, Japanese student at the academy, tutor and friend of Jeanne.

Alexandre de Mortange, former vampire banished from Versailles and "savior" of Diane.


 Paris, at the court of Versailles.

The time.

 Year 299 of the vampiric reign of Louis XIV.

The author.

 Victor Dixen, author of the Saga Phobos, Animale, Le Cas Jack Spark or even more recently of Cogito and Extincta.

Living in New York, he regularly publishes novels where very real questions of conscience mingle with the stories he tells us.

This book was read with.


Being a big fan of the author, I always look forward to his books.

The latter did not disappoint me.

The characters, the story, the twists and turns, everything is perfect.

This first volume signs a new saga which I believe will once again wreak havoc with readers.

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  • Book Fair

  • Castle of Versailles

  • Montreuil

  • Vampire

  • Youth

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