Teller Report

Wear a mask for 100 days: Biden plans to appeal to Americans

12/4/2020, 8:23:03 PM

In the USA, the number of infections continues unabated. Only today have the recorded new infections reached a new high. Joe Biden wants to call on Americans to wear masks in public for 100 days.


Washington (AP) - The elected US President Joe Biden wants to call on the Americans at his inauguration to wear masks in public for 100 days to contain the corona pandemic.

In addition, he will order that the mouthguard must be worn in buildings of federal authorities and in means of transport such as airplanes, Biden told CNN on Thursday.

A US president can only order the wearing of masks in certain situations, such decisions largely lie with the individual states.

He is convinced that masks and vaccinations can significantly reduce coronavirus infections, emphasized Biden, who will take office on January 20.

The USA is currently experiencing a massive corona wave with a sharp increase in infections and deaths.

The incumbent President Donald Trump had repeatedly ridiculed wearing masks.


Renowned immunologist Anthony Fauci should become his chief medical advisor, Biden also said.

He accepted the offer, Fauci told NBC News on Friday.

The 79-year-old is the best-known - and also most popular - corona expert in the USA.

He strongly advocates precautionary measures against the spread of the virus.

He has lost influence in the White House in recent months because his calls to wear masks and be careful did not fit with Trump's message that America would soon leave the pandemic behind.

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