Teller Report

Palestine .. the death of a child by the occupation bullets and an attempt to burn a church in East Jerusalem

12/4/2020, 9:35:12 PM

A Palestinian child succumbed to wounds sustained during clashes with the Israeli army, Friday, near the city of Ramallah in the West Bank, while an Israeli settler tried to set fire to a church in Jerusalem.

A Palestinian child succumbed to wounds sustained during clashes with the Israeli army, Friday, near the city of Ramallah in the West Bank, while an Israeli settler tried to set fire to a church in Jerusalem.

And the Palestinian Ministry announced - in a statement - the martyrdom of the child Ali Ayman Nasr Abu Alya (13 years) from al-Mughayir (east of Ramallah), as a result of severe wounds shot by the live occupation forces in his stomach.

On Friday noon, the Ministry of Health stated that the child was transferred to the Palestine Medical Complex in (Ramallah / Central) in a critical condition and entered the operating room.

Clashes usually break out in separate locations in the West Bank on Fridays, after the occupation forces dispersed marches condemning the settlements.

# See the effects of the fire in the Church of Gethsemane in Jerusalem, after an attempt by a settler to burn it down a short while ago

- The Palestinian Information Center (@PalinfoAr) December 4, 2020

Attempt to burn a church in Jerusalem

Today, Friday, the Israeli occupation police arrested a man for trying to set fire to a church in East Jerusalem, near the Gethsemane Park, which is sacred to Christians.

Israeli Police spokesman Micky Rosenfeld said that the suspect is a 49-year-old Israeli, and that he poured a flammable substance inside the Church of All Nations.

A separate police statement stated that the man had already set fire to it before the church guard stopped him.

"The initial investigation and the suspect’s data reinforce the assessment that the background of the incident is criminal," police said, indicating that investigators do not believe it is a hate crime.

Reuters pictures showed the effects of the fire on a bench and part of the floor of the Catholic Church, which overlooks the Old City of Jerusalem.

Father Ibrahim Faltas described the incident as a crime that cannot take place in a church in the Holy Land, when he inspects the damage caused to the place.

Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas denounced the settler, describing him as a "terrorist Israeli settler," and said - in a statement - that the Israeli government is responsible for such attacks.

The Minister of Jerusalem Affairs, Fadi Al-Hudmi, denounced the crime, and called - in a statement - the international community to move quickly to provide international protection for the Palestinian people and their Islamic and Christian sanctities.

Hamas also strongly condemned the attempt by the Israeli settler to burn Gethsemane Church.

And she said - in a statement - that this incident reflects what she described as the extreme racist Israeli behavior and its hostility to all values, morals and principles.

During the past ten years, ultra-Orthodox Jews have been accused of being involved in acts of vandalism targeting a number of churches and mosques in the Holy Land.