Teller Report

Guangxi Consumer Council reminds to be wary of the trap of "low price" rental housing

12/4/2020, 7:50:48 AM

  Guangxi Consumer Council reminds to be wary of the trap of "low price" rental housing   Xinhua News Agency, Nanning, December 4 (Reporter He Cheng) The Guangxi Consumer Council recently issued a consumer reminder to remind consumers to be wary of the "low price" trap of rental housing.   Since the beginning of this year, the Guangxi 12315 complaint and reporting system has received more than 3

  Guangxi Consumer Council reminds to be wary of the trap of "low price" rental housing

  Xinhua News Agency, Nanning, December 4 (Reporter He Cheng) The Guangxi Consumer Council recently issued a consumer reminder to remind consumers to be wary of the "low price" trap of rental housing.

  Since the beginning of this year, the Guangxi 12315 complaint and reporting system has received more than 300 inquiries, complaints and reports involving housing rental services, mainly in long-term rental apartments.

The Consumer Council of Guangxi reminds consumers that before renting a house, they should carefully understand the company’s operating qualifications, establishment time, and operating strength, and choose a professional company that has a good reputation and reputation, especially with a bank that opens a rent fund supervision account.

Consumers can use the "National Enterprise Credit Information Disclosure System" to inquire about enterprise-related information, paying special attention to whether the enterprise is included in abnormal operations, whether there is a record of violations of laws and regulations, and whether it conducts a normal annual report.

  When renting a house, consumers should guard against market risks and consumption traps of "high entry and low exit, long income and short payment", understand the rental price of the surrounding housing market in advance, master the average rental price and payment method of the area, and recommend that tenants choose a shorter payment Avoid paying a large amount of rent at one time.

At the same time, the tenant can request the rental company to provide the real estate certificate of the leased house, or the rental or intermediary service contract signed by the rental company and the landlord, clarify the nature of the entrustment, and determine whether the rental company has the right to hire on behalf of the landlord or is eligible to become a "second landlord" ".

  In addition, consumers should carefully review the content of the contract when signing a rental contract, guard against the trap of "renting a mortgage", avoid possible invisible overlord clauses, and clarify the liability for breach of contract after a dispute occurs.

After signing the contract, pay attention to copy the relevant materials to preserve their legal rights.