Teller Report

Brexit talks: Johnson and von der Leyen want to talk

12/4/2020, 9:28:15 PM

After a week of intensive negotiations, which often go on late into the night, the negotiators break off the talks for the time being. Now the bosses should exchange information about the state of affairs. Can there be a breakthrough at a higher level?


London / Brussels (dpa) - The talks about a Brexit trade pact were interrupted on Friday evening.

The reason for this are differences over uniform conditions of competition, fishing and rules for compliance with the agreement.

After a week of intensive negotiations in London, it had been decided together with British negotiator David Frost that “the conditions for an agreement have not been met,” wrote EU chief negotiator Michel Barnier on Twitter.

EU Commission President Ursula von der Leyen and British Prime Minister Boris Johnson were due to talk about the state of affairs on Saturday afternoon.

The British negotiator, Frost, published an identical message on Twitter.


The conversations had often dragged on late into the night, which had nourished hopes of an early conclusion.

But failure did not seem to be ruled out either.

At last it looked like the mood was getting worse again.

It seems uncertain whether there can be a breakthrough at the highest level.

If an agreement is not reached in time, there will be tariffs and high trade barriers between Great Britain and the continent from the turn of the year.

The transition phase after Britain's exit from the EU ends on December 31st.

Both sides had recently increased the pressure.

According to the UK media, British negotiators complained about alleged new demands from the EU.

This slowed down the talks.

A government spokesman in London said on Friday that the talks were at "a very difficult point".


London had previously announced that it would restore the controversial clauses of its internal market law, which is due to return to the House of Commons on Monday.

The draft law met with violent outrage in Brussels because it questioned parts of the exit agreement that had already been concluded.

Meanwhile, EU Council President Charles Michel warned against a veto from the member states.

"The member states will have to decide, as will the British side," said Michel in Brussels.

"Member States have to say yes or no, and if one side of the table says no, then we have a no deal."

Most recently, French President Emmanuel Macron said that he would only approve a treaty if the long-term interests of his country were preserved.

That was seen as a threat of veto.


The EU wants an agreement, but not at any price, said Michel.

It took two to reach an agreement, he added.

Great Britain also has a responsibility.

The EU is a strong power when it comes to rules and standards.

Great Britain had to decide which standards it wanted in the future.

© dpa-infocom, dpa: 201204-99-572603 / 6

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