Teller Report

Beijing Shunyi launches a series of publicity activities on National Constitution Day

12/4/2020, 10:14:05 PM

Beijing Shunyi launches a series of publicity activities on National Constitution Day   The constitutional spirit is deeply rooted in the hearts of the people   Offline, tailor-made activities such as "rule of law" marathon, constitution entering campus, constitutional pen conference, constitutional knowledge contest of organs and units, revisiting the constitutional oath and other activities fo

Beijing Shunyi launches a series of publicity activities on National Constitution Day

  The constitutional spirit is deeply rooted in the hearts of the people

  Offline, tailor-made activities such as "rule of law" marathon, constitution entering campus, constitutional pen conference, constitutional knowledge contest of organs and units, revisiting the constitutional oath and other activities for different audiences; online, "12+" law popularization alliance, 110 law popularization responsibility systems The unit uses multiple platforms to create a unique matrix group of popular law.

In this year’s “12·4” National Constitution Day series of publicity activities, Shunyi District, Beijing, innovatively adopted a dual-track “offline outdoor, online cloud” propaganda model with clear themes, tailored to the current situation, and precise customization. Really feel the spirit of the Constitution and appreciate the power of the rule of law.

  The cross-departmental collaboration of various commissions, offices and bureaus is inseparable from the great attention of the Shunyi District Committee and District Government.

As early as the beginning of November this year, the Shunyi District Committee’s Law-abiding and Law-Publication Coordinating Group issued the "Notice on Launching a Series of Propaganda Activities on the "December 4th" National Constitution Day and Constitution Propaganda Week in the District in 2020," based on regional reality. , On the basis of cooperating with the requirements of epidemic prevention, the various functional departments in the whole region will carry out a series of publicity activities on the National Constitution Day in advance deployment.

  "Prepare, run!" On November 8, with a gunshot, Shunyi District’s "12·4" National Constitution Day Constitution Propaganda Week series kicked off, with the theme of "green, health, and rule of law" in Shunyi District. The third half-marathon challenge officially started.

  In order to continuously improve the people’s sense of the rule of law, the Judicial Bureau of Shunyi District, together with the Niulanshan Town Government and the District Federation of Literary and Art Circles, organized a constitution-themed pen conference, inviting famous artists to create paintings and calligraphy works on the spot in Luzhengjuan Village, Niulanshan Town, combining traditional calligraphy and painting with the Constitution Propaganda organically, carry forward the spirit of the Constitution from multiple angles, and spread the idea of ​​the rule of law.

At the same time, the masses are invited to participate in activities, and the rule of law couplets are presented, so that the constitution can enter the villages, into thousands of households, and integrate into the daily production and life of the masses.

  As the highlight of a series of publicity activities, Shunyi District aimed at the needs of the rule of law for young people and launched the "Constitution on Campus" activity in schools throughout the district.

The District Education Commission carried out the "12·4" National Constitution Day and "Rule of Law Education Month" at Yangzhen No. 2 Middle School. At the launching ceremony, more than 500 middle school students recited the constitution and sang the song of the constitution in unison, which further inspired the patriotic passion of the students And the passion for studying the constitution.

Other schools have also strengthened the education of youth law by holding lectures on the rule of law, exhibiting works on the rule of law, and launching activities for vice presidents of the rule of law to enter campuses to strengthen the education of youth law, guide students to consciously learn about the constitution and law, and establish a concept of constitution and law.

  At the same time, the Shunyi District supervised and promoted learning, and while increasing the enthusiasm of the cadres to study the constitution, the constitution entered the daily work of party members and cadres.

In order to firmly grasp the "critical minority" of leading cadres, on the eve of the "12·4" National Constitution Day, a constitutional knowledge contest with the theme of "in-depth study and publicity of Xi Jinping's thoughts on the rule of law and vigorously promote the spirit of the constitution" was held in Shunyi The district is in full swing.

After the qualifiers, a total of 24 teams from 17 towns and streets, 7 commissions and bureaus in the district entered the preliminary round and judged different awards.

  As another powerful tool for strengthening the law-study education of national staff, Shunyi District organized the entire district's state agencies to carry out the "Everyone Learns Constitution" activity.

Each functional unit compares the "Shunyi District "Whoever Enforces the Law" Law Popularization Responsibility System Implementation Measures" and "Shunyi District Law Popularization Responsibility System List" to study by a central group, expert lectures, intensive discussions, knowledge contests, review of the constitutional oath, and participate in observation Various forms such as court trials have strengthened the internal learning of the system.

More than 100 activities have been held in the whole district, which has further improved the level of law study and usage of national staff and their ability to administer according to law.

  The rule of law is the best business environment.

In the “12·4” National Constitution Day series of publicity activities, various units in Shunyi District combined their work functions to guide market entities to study the constitution and interact with the people through the constitution to enter commercial supermarkets, financial institutions, enterprises, and markets. Laws and regulations that are closely related to life strengthen the sense of social responsibility of market entities, and promote enterprises to form a good manner of advocating, studying and enforcing the Constitution.

At the same time, in the district government service center, through setting up consultation desks and exhibition boards, broadcasting constitutional public welfare advertisements, etc., concentrated publicity of the Constitution and laws on the protection and regulation of the state-owned economy and non-public economy, as well as the optimization of business environment regulations and other laws and regulations, for enterprises Healthy development injects positive energy into the rule of law.

  While outdoor publicity is in full swing, the "Shunyi Popularization of Law" WeChat public account continues to launch the "12·4" National Constitution Day theme with prize-answer activities.

Up to now, 18,256 people have participated in answering questions; the "12+" online law popularization alliance has established an online constitutional propaganda column; 110 law popularization units in the whole region have focused on the theme of the constitution and combined their functional work to launch an online constitutional theme publicity activity to promote The spirit of the constitution spread in cyberspace.

Communities (villages) in Shunyi District use LED displays as a port to promote the extension of constitutional public service advertisements to the grassroots level and expand the coverage of constitutional publicity.

  "Shunyi District Constitution Propaganda Week series activities are still going on. The LED display screens in various communities (villages) will use various life cases every day to carry out case interpretations and popularize the law for the masses. Fans of the'Shunyi Law Popularization' will also not Regularly receive wonderful and brilliant content of law popularization.” Zhou Haiying, deputy director of the Shunyi District Justice Bureau, said, “In the next step, Shunyi District will continue to provide the people with lively and interesting work measures that are orderly, organized, and coordinated. Legal knowledge has created a good atmosphere in the district to respect the Constitution, study the Constitution, abide by the Constitution, maintain the Constitution, and use the Constitution." Text/Picture Li Fenglian Lijun