Teller Report

The bronze statue of the horse head after the loss of 160 years abroad returns to the Old Summer Palace-Chinanews

12/1/2020, 4:23:35 AM

On December 1, "The Transferring Ceremony of the Bronze Horse Head Statue in Yuanmingyuan to Tibet" was held in Zhengjue Temple, Yuanmingyuan, Beijing. The State Administration of Cultural Heritage officially transferred the bronze statue of the horse head of the Old Summer Palace to the collection of the Old Summer Palace Management Office in Haidian District, Beijing, making it the first importa

On December 1, "The Transferring Ceremony of the Bronze Horse Head Statue in Yuanmingyuan to Tibet" was held in Zhengjue Temple, Yuanmingyuan, Beijing.

The State Administration of Cultural Heritage officially transferred the bronze statue of the horse head of the Old Summer Palace to the collection of the Old Summer Palace Management Office in Haidian District, Beijing, making it the first important overseas cultural relic to return to the Old Summer Palace.

The "A Hundred Years of Dreams-The Return of the Horse Head Bronze Statue in Old Summer Palace" was held at the same time, and the horse head bronze statue that had been lost overseas for 160 years finally returned to its original place.

The picture shows the horse head exhibited in the Wenshu Pavilion of Zhengjue Temple in Yuanmingyuan.

Photo by China News Agency reporter Du Yang

Release time: 2020-12-01 11:35:44 【Editor: Li Peiyun】