Teller Report

Stuck like a burr

12/1/2020, 3:18:05 PM

“Stoltenberg decided to play it safe and changed his shoes in the air. What if Biden wins and reminds him of his readiness to leave Afghanistan? Moreover, the American special services do not want to leave the richest fields of opium poppy in the world, bringing the CIA billions of unrecorded cash. So he announced NATO's readiness to remain in Afghanistan even without the United States. "

American President Donald Trump wants to leave Afghanistan.

Take your soldiers home.

Not only from Afgan, but they have been there for 19 years, and they shoot at them from time to time, and it's worth keeping them there.

Trump has wanted this for a long time, but he cannot do it, because the State Department, the Pentagon, and the special services do not want to leave, as if they were smeared with honey there.

Recently, the US special envoy to Syria, James Jeffrey, resigned, so he admitted in an interview that he had deceived the president - and all in order not to withdraw the American military contingent from Syria.

And now NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg has spoken out in favor of staying in Afghanistan.

“Even if the Americans leave, we will stay,” he said.

This is something new.

When President Trump reached an agreement with the Taliban * in October and announced the complete withdrawal of American troops from Afghanistan, Secretary General Stoltenberg immediately supported him and said: "We came together, we will leave together."

But that was in October, before the elections.

And now, after the elections, when there are two presidents in the United States at once - the real (Trump) and the challenger (Biden), politics has become more complicated.

Biden and his administration want more women in command posts, more masks and more quarantines, more gay rights, and most importantly, not to withdraw troops from anywhere.

Biden has already said that US troops will not leave Germany, contrary to Trump's promises.

And even more so - from Afghanistan, from where you can threaten the Persians and the Chinese.

It is still impossible to say for sure who will be the US president at the end of January.

There are options.

But Stoltenberg decided to play it safe and changed his shoes in the air.

What if Biden wins and reminds him of his readiness to leave Afghanistan?

Moreover, the American special services do not want to leave the richest fields of opium poppy in the world, bringing the CIA billions of unrecorded cash.

So he announced NATO's readiness to remain in Afghanistan even without the United States.

And Ukrainians and Georgians will serve there - although they are not members of NATO, they want to join so badly that they are ready to go to Afghanistan even like a carcass or a stuffed animal.

I think, however, this willingness to serve and die in Afghanistan is not very sincere - rather ostentatious, in order to please Biden's people.

Stoltenberg has already invited Biden to the NATO council in early 2021, right after his likely inauguration.

A meeting of NATO foreign ministers will take place in December, but decisions will not be made there - so as not to take into account the opinion of Trump, who is not famous for his love of the North Atlantic bloc.

If, nevertheless, as predicted by Secretary of State Pompeo, there is an easy transit in January for Trump's second term, Stoltenberg will change his mind again.

Moreover, not everything is decided in Washington.

There are decisions that fighters make on the ground.

And they will be able to set fire to the ground under the feet of the invaders if they try to stay.

Even this week, mines and grenades are exploding in Kabul.

The Taliban do not rely very much on the fact that the United States will fulfill the terms of the agreement and leave on its own by May 2021.

Their way of nudging the Americans and NATO soldiers to leave is simple and proven by experience: you need to create very uncomfortable conditions for them with high mortality rates.

Afghans can do that.

The desire to drive away the Americans and their allies is growing not only in Afghanistan.

This week, Iran's representative to the UN Security Council, Majid Takht-Ravanchi, recalled that "the United States is robbing the oil and wealth of the Syrian people," and demanded the withdrawal of their troops from Syria.

They demand the withdrawal of American troops from both Iraq and other countries of the Persian Gulf.

So the evacuation of US and NATO troops from the Middle and Middle East may still be an avalanche.

* "Taliban" - the organization was recognized as terrorist by the decision of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation of February 14, 2003.

The author's point of view may not coincide with the position of the editorial board.