Teller Report

C8 explains why she is betting (paying) on ​​documentaries

12/1/2020, 9:03:32 AM

C8 is increasingly focusing on programming documentaries on popular themes, including successful shows and media personalities. A good strategy if we trust the audiences. & Nbsp;

C8 is increasingly focusing on programming documentaries on popular themes, including successful shows and media personalities.

A good strategy if we trust the audiences. 

It is more spontaneously associated with Arte than with C8.

The documentary is however more and more present on the TNT channel of the Canal + group.

The channel programs about twenty a year, on Patrick Sébastien or Donald Trump recently.

And this strategy pays off: in 2018 and 2019, C8's best annual audience was signed by a documentary.

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A little obsession for TF1?

In 2018, "The war of the clans for the legacy of Johnny Hallyday" was a hit.

Last year, it was the scandal Christian Quesada, candidate for the TF1 game 

Les 12 coups de midi

, convicted of "corruption of minors", which blew up the counters.

Tuesday evening, C8 broadcasts

The real life of your adventurers

, portraits of former candidates emblematic of



Before the end of December, she will devote two other documentaries to programs and personalities from TF1: Jean-Pierre Pernaut and Miss France.

Why was the channel so interested in TF1?

"In all transparency, it is a coincidence", answers on Europe 1 Vincent Pujol, director of the programs and the antenna of C8.

"The idea is to highlight these great cathodic events in December", he adds.

"One of the strengths of C8 is to have in 

Touche pas mon poste

 a media material that is triturated, combed through, and that for several seasons. So that we find these themes as a bonus, with angles where we have time to go deeper for 1h30, it's in line with what we are used to doing. " 

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Back to the historical document in 2021

In 2021, C8 will not only bet on TF1, as revealed by it in a preview to

Culture Médias,

the director of programs and the antenna, on Tuesday.

"We will also come back to themes that we had a little neglected, such as history. We have a documentary collection of which we are very proud, which should arrive in the first three months of 2021, around the builders of pyramids," specifies he.

"It will be big production, with big reenactments. We are happy to come back to this field." 

This series of six 52-minute documentaries of which Vincent Pujol speaks has already been available on 

Planete +

since November.

This will be his first unencrypted broadcast.