Teller Report

82 new confirmed cases of new coronary pneumonia in Hong Kong, 72 are local cases

12/1/2020, 11:23:24 AM

  China News Service, December 1, According to Hong Kong, Zhang Zhujun, director of the Infectious Diseases Department of the Hong Kong Center for Health Protection, announced at the epidemic briefing on the 1st that there were 82 new confirmed cases of new crown virus in Hong Kong, including 10 imported cases 72 local cases involving 32 men and 50 women, aged between 8 months and 83 ye

  China News Service, December 1, According to Hong Kong, Zhang Zhujun, director of the Infectious Diseases Department of the Hong Kong Center for Health Protection, announced at the epidemic briefing on the 1st that there were 82 new confirmed cases of new crown virus in Hong Kong, including 10 imported cases 72 local cases involving 32 men and 50 women, aged between 8 months and 83 years old.

Data map: On November 30, the Hong Kong Hang Hau Community Hall Testing Center was officially opened to provide citizens with combined nasal and throat swab sample collection and new crown pneumonia virus testing services. Many citizens queued for testing.

Photo by China News Agency reporter Li Zhihua

  Among them, of the 72 local cases, 23 had the source of infection unknown, and 32 of the other 49 cases belonged to the singing and dancing group.

  So far, the total number of cases in Hong Kong is 6,397, including 6,396 confirmed cases and 1 suspected case.

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