Teller Report

Nicolás Maduro suspends the radical quarantine to encourage the vote

11/30/2020, 7:16:50 PM

The quarantine is over, in principle until January and at least until the parliamentary elections next Sunday. This was announced by Nicolás Maduro on Sunday in a televi speech

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The quarantine is over, in principle until January and at least until the

parliamentary elections next Sunday


This was announced by Nicolás Maduro on Sunday in a television address to the country, after eight months during which Venezuela has opted for the 7x7 plan, which mixed a week of radical confinement with another of certain openness.

"Four weeks of controlled and safe easing begin. In Venezuela we are in battle against Covid-19, we cannot lower our guard," stressed the revolutionary leader, who also ordered the lifting of the curfew in the municipalities bordering Brazil and Colombia .

In fact, the government of Bogotá denied on Sunday rumors about the opening of its borders, which will remain closed at least until mid-January.

The announcement of the "president town", not by expected, has ceased to surprise a country that, according to all the polls, does not intend to participate in fraudulent elections designed by the revolution to perpetuate itself in power and in which the real opposition is betting for abstention.

Any strategy is valid to transfer voters to the polling stations, including threats, such as those expressed yesterday during an electoral rally by Diosdado Cabello, number two of the revolution: "He who does not vote, does not eat. For those who do not vote "There is no food. He who does not vote, does not eat; a quarantine is applied there," insisted the also candidate.

Maduro's banner for the "Happy Christmas" plan supposes the

reactivation of a good part of the economic country

: up to fifty sectors will benefit from the electoral and Christmas truce.

Once again, the great bubble will inflate in the wealthy areas of Caracas and in other cities thanks to the launch of sporting events and concerts, as well as the reopening of gyms, restaurants and coffee shops.

Ground transportation terminals, some national air destinations, drive-ins, shopping centers, liquor stores, inns, clubs, amusement parks, veterinary clinics, car washes and ice cream parlors, among others, will remain in operation throughout the month.

However, Chavismo maintains the mandatory quarantine for those who enter the country, as well as the usual biosecurity measures, such as the use of a mask and physical distancing.

All of this despite the fact that none of them were respected during the electoral campaign, with the

proliferation of revolution rallies

, which resembled the times before the pandemic.

Encouraged, all of them, with state intervention and gifts of CLAP boxes, chicken, mortadella, tires, even dollars in cash.

Electoral acts in which some of the participants have been seen throwing their used masks to the public as if it were another gift.

The normalization measures are accompanied by the Government's traditional Christmas plans, almost always unsuccessful: from the delivery of pork legs to the gift of toys for children.

"We are in disagreement with the flexibility as proposed for December. We understand the need for workers who need to receive income, so we agreed with the 7x7 measure. However, this decision has been taken basically for reasons electoral elections in a country where we do not have reliable figures on Covid, we fear that they are much higher. We have no reason to believe that the coronavirus within Venezuela will behave differently from our neighboring countries, "he criticized for EL

Rafael Uzcátegui, coordinator of Provea

, a prestigious human rights NGO.

According to official statistics,

Venezuela adds more than 100,000 cases of coronavirus and 892 deaths


On the other hand, from the Parliament they have warned from the first day that the Government hides the real data, among which the deaths of almost 300 medical professionals stand out, one of the highest percentages on the planet.

"We urge Mr. Maduro's regime to reconsider the decisions announced on this delicate matter and follow the updated recommendations of the World Health Organization for the adjustment

of quarantine measures

, with a focus on regions, cities or municipalities," they claimed in joint statement by medical and pharmaceutical federations, fearful of the "unavoidable increase in the risk of contagion and community transmission" of the disease.

The Academy of Sciences has warned of the danger posed by increasing national mobility during December, it has even projected 14,000 daily cases during this month.

In addition, diagnostic tests have been reduced at a rapid rate in recent times, they say.

"We fear that the government measure may aggravate this second wave within our country, that is why we are asking citizens through social networks to maintain preventive measures and only carry out the necessary procedures and steps, but to keep indoors. with all the measures. Unlike what has been suggested with the official campaign,

the pandemic in Venezuela is not controlled

. We need the best efforts to have the best possible care, "added Uzcátegui.

The radical quarantine will return in 2021, once the goal of the fraudulent elections of forcibly imposing a new legislative power at Maduro's command has been fulfilled.

The restrictions will be resumed "in January with greater force, organization and discipline," stressed the "People's President."

According to the criteria of The Trust Project

Know more

  • Venezuela

  • Nicolas Maduro

  • Colombia

  • Brazil

  • Elections Venezuela

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