Teller Report

From mid-November to keep morale up, it's Christmas at home

11/30/2020, 4:02:18 PM

We are not yet in December and yet for some, the atmosphere is already at the end of the year celebrationsEverything's ready, Santa can arrive - 20 Minutes / Canva When to decorate your tree and your house for Christmas? One month before? At the last moment ? This year, some Internet users have not asked themselves the question and have decided to release garlands and balls from mid-November. “It came by itself,” says Lysiane. This second confinement goes less well. We had a few gray days and the dro

Everything's ready, Santa can arrive -

20 Minutes / Canva

When to decorate your tree and your house for Christmas?

One month before?

At the last moment ?

This year, some Internet users have not asked themselves the question and have decided to release garlands and balls from mid-November.

“It came by itself,” says Lysiane.

This second confinement goes less well.

We had a few gray days and the drop in morale that goes with it.

So I asked my husband if he minded that I started decorating the house.

I've always loved it, but usually I do it around Saint Nicholas Day.

»Christmas tree, crib, Christmas wreath.

The house of Lysiane has put on its best party clothes since mid-November.

"No need to tell you that installing this decoration gave me a lot of pleasure and that a smile comes to me when I look at it", rejoices Lysiane.

Hang on to a happy time

Keep morale up, smile again.

This is the reason given by all Internet users who testified to our appeal.

Because if the season is already conducive to seasonal depression, confinement only reinforces this phenomenon: 52% of French people believe they feel a stronger feeling of sadness since the announcement of the reconfinement, according to an Ifop survey.

The Christmas period being synonymous with joy, we easily understand the need to cling to it.

“The atmosphere this year is so gloomy that it has boosted the morale of the family.

Even my husband, who doesn't necessarily appreciate these decorations, told me "it feels good, it's less sad," "says Dominique.

“I decorated my tree and the house from November 11 in order to get out of this gloominess and bring a little joy and happiness to my apartment.

It reminds me of happy times and makes me forget this sad period, ”adds Myriam.

The influence of TV movies

Not to mention that television puts us in the mood early, with Christmas TV movies broadcast since November 2.

“Obviously, it makes you want, explains Coline.

The Christmas atmosphere is so magical and I think I needed it more than ever.

This year is hard for everyone and inevitably, we seek comfort in activities that do good.


"And then there is no shame in decorating long before," concludes Malorie.


Containment: Will there be a period of overconsumption at the end of the year?


Janvry, a small town in Essonne, is fighting to save its Christmas market

  • Covid 19

  • Coronavirus

  • Confinement

  • Christmas tree

  • Society

  • Christmas