Teller Report

Film Left Behind——Interview with the owner of an old-fashioned Hong Kong photo studio

11/30/2020, 7:27:52 AM

  China News Service, Hong Kong, November 30th, title: Film left-behind-an interview with the owner of an old-style Hong Kong photo studio   China News Agency reporter Han Xingtong   Outside the iron gate, a hand bell rang, there was a guest. Lin Guosheng, the owner of Shanmei Studios, craned his neck and stuck his head from behind the counter, "Take the picture?" The outsider answered, and he s

  China News Service, Hong Kong, November 30th, title: Film left-behind-an interview with the owner of an old-style Hong Kong photo studio

  China News Agency reporter Han Xingtong

  Outside the iron gate, a hand bell rang, there was a guest.

Lin Guosheng, the owner of Shanmei Studios, craned his neck and stuck his head from behind the counter, "Take the picture?"

The outsider answered, and he stood up to greet.

There are not many days like this, and most of the time the doorbell is silent for several days.

  The predecessor of Sunmi Studio was a sharp camera.

Lin Guosheng is the third-generation owner of an old-style photo studio with a history of more than 80 years.

He said, I am not the third generation, but "waiting" and waiting for guests.

About knowing that he told a cold joke, he stuck out his tongue and made a face.

People in their 70s have not faded the naughty of a teenager.

  65 years ago, Lin Guosheng, who was only 6 years old, dressed in a white shirt, was held tightly by his father and walked into Jianjian to take pictures.

The black hair of thirty or seven minutes, combed meticulously, he was very shy, at a loss what to do in front of the camera, eyes drooping.

With a click, the dazzling flash, the scene was accurately captured and permanently frozen on the photo paper.

"My dad saw the photo and said what you took this time, like a'low energy boy'." Hearing this, he didn't like it himself.

After many years, I watched it again, but I couldn't put it down, "No matter good or bad, it is that moment, there is no second repetitive moment, there is no need to start again, so precious."

  He didn't know at that time, the traction of fate had quietly come to his side, and at this moment he clicked the comma that followed his life.

  After graduating from high school, people are overwhelmed.

His mother asked Lin Guosheng to learn craftsmanship. He searched for it. He remembered that he had learned how to take photographs when he was studying, and remembered to stay in the darkroom to see the peacefulness and mystery of the images on the paper becoming clearer, so he went to the tip of the picture and recommended himself.

It was 1971. In the long decades after that, his life line was closely tied to this photo studio, from apprentice to boss, he never left.

  In the first few years, Lin Guosheng was called "stealing a teacher", secretly watching and secretly learning.

The boss is responsible for photographing and obsessive photographs (processing photographs), and he does relatively simple processing and exposure.

In your free time, you must be diligent and help your boss buy wontons and pour spittoons. "The boss thinks you are good and eye-catching (smart), so he is willing to give you pointers."

  More non-technical things, such as how to relax the subject in order to capture the best moment, were also explored by Lin Guosheng himself. Or, because of his love for this industry, he naturally gave birth to some characteristics, similar to sensitivity. , Empathy, etc.

  He offered to help the reporter take a film photo. There was a small koala above the camera, and a furry monkey doll on his head. This is his "magic weapon". No matter children or adults are affected by this subtlety The cuteness subdued, smiled knowingly, and then it was this moment.

  There was a guest who was very special.

"He has a bad expression. He sat down and said that he had lung cancer and wanted to take a photo for the front of the car." Lin Guosheng was stunned for a few seconds, and his preparations did not stop. "I don't know how to comfort him, I Saying that you are treating it as a sixth form lottery, and he laughed when he heard it, as if he was really hitting a sixth form lottery, and laughed so happily." Later, the guest's daughter took the place of the father who was admitted to the hospital for chemotherapy and cried bitterly when he saw his father's smile.

"She said thank you to me, and I felt so touched." That time, Lin Guosheng truly felt the value and power of the photos.

  So Lin Guosheng has stayed behind until now.

  Film is lost and has been hit almost without a foothold in the digital trend. Traditional photo studios are declining. Most of the connoisseurs around the same age change careers, some drive taxis, and some work as building security.

He also started to study, took the security card, and finally chose to stay here, "A day is a day."

  He knows that digital cameras are fast and convenient. "Like a subway, you don’t need to be blown by the wind or rain." In contrast, film cameras are rickshaws. At first glance, they seem to have no advantages, but the level and depth are irreplaceable, and behind the images His craftsmanship makes each one unique.

To be more specific, he couldn't find a suitable vocabulary: "I can't explain it, but it's different. You can compare it and see it at a glance."

  At the end of the interview, Lin Guosheng got up and manually changed the time of the old calendar made of iron-absorbing stone on the wall: November 27, while saying, "From the past to the 27th, the happiest day is when the boss sends food."

On him, the traces of time flow are so shallow.

He gently accepts the impact of the development of new technology, but he still misses the film years that have passed away. In those years, every third day of the new year, he would wear the little suit and fight that his brother passed down. Tie, red envelope in the pocket, hair fixed with hair oil, and family portrait with parents, brothers and sisters.

That was his most anticipated and grand day of the year.
