Teller Report

Current Commentary: "High School Students Marry Junior High School Students" is not only a farce

11/30/2020, 12:52:55 AM

"High school students marry junior high school students" is not only a farce   On November 28, a video of an 18-year-old high school student in Shantou, Guangdong marrying a 14-year-old junior high school student, after being circulated on the Internet, attracted the attention of all parties. The next day, the Guiyu Township Government of Chaoyang District, Shantou, Guangdong issued a notice sayi

"High school students marry junior high school students" is not only a farce

  On November 28, a video of an 18-year-old high school student in Shantou, Guangdong marrying a 14-year-old junior high school student, after being circulated on the Internet, attracted the attention of all parties.

The next day, the Guiyu Township Government of Chaoyang District, Shantou, Guangdong issued a notice saying: After investigation, the person in the video was Lu (male, 17 years old, dropped out) in Fengxin Village, Guiyu Town, and a neighboring village more than a year ago ( Female, 13 years old, has dropped out of school) Freely fall in love, because the parents of both parents have weak legal concepts, they held a wedding in accordance with rural customs on November 26 this year, but they have not applied for marriage registration at the civil affairs department (according to the People’s Daily on November 29) WeChat public account).

  In the video, two children sit side by side and eat together, with red candles and "Double Happiness" on the table... How does this scene look like a child playing a house?

But who can believe that this is actually a "wedding"!

No wonder the video has attracted widespread attention once it was released.

"Parents have a weak conception of the legal system", "according to rural customs", and "never went to the civil affairs department to apply for marriage registration". The words in these announcements made people think about the drama of the whole incident. There are many people in the comment area who watch the excitement.

  Although it is ridiculous, don't just treat this as a farce. The legal issues behind it cannot be ignored.

my country’s Law on the Protection of Minors clearly stipulates that parents or other guardians must not allow or force minors to marry, or enter into marriage contracts for minors.

Can’t help asking, have the parents fulfilled their duties?

Moreover, such marriages are not protected by law at all, because both the Marriage Law and the upcoming civil code have clear provisions on the age of marriage-men must not be earlier than 22 years old, women must not be earlier than 20 years old, the two in the video People, obviously have not reached the legal marriage age.

  Being at the most vigorous and energetic age in life should be a great time to learn knowledge.

my country's Law on the Protection of Minors stipulates that parents or other guardians should respect the right of minors to receive education, ensure that minors of school age receive and complete compulsory education in accordance with the law, and must not allow or force minors who should receive compulsory education to drop out of school.

The reason why the words "high school student" and "junior high school student" in the video are so staggering is also worth pondering.

I can't help but ask again, have parents fulfilled their responsibilities?

  In order to protect the physical and mental health of minors and their legal rights and interests, our country has specially formulated a minor protection law.

At the legal level, the state provides special and priority protection based on the characteristics of the physical and mental development of minors to protect the legal rights of minors from infringement. Whether in schools, families or society, it is obligated to protect minors’ legal rights from infringements .

Any organization or individual has the right to persuade, stop, or file a report or complaint to the relevant department for acts that infringe on the legitimate rights and interests of minors.

  At present, the local government department has ordered the parents to let the woman return to the original family, and her parents will perform guardianship duties, and said that they will further develop psychological counseling for both parties, educate and guide them to establish a correct concept of marriage, and persuade them to return to school.

But this is not enough.

It is hoped that through handling this matter, the seeds of the law will be widely sown.

May wish to take this event as an opportunity to carry out a profound education in the field of law popularization, thoroughly eradicate the breeding ground of such "farce", and create a good atmosphere of knowing and abiding by the law.

  Yang Bo