Teller Report

Around the question - How did we invent the continents and the oceans?

11/30/2020, 4:02:51 PM

How was our representation of the world constructed? From where? And how can we change our mental geographies? 

How did we invent the continents and the oceans?

The invention of continents and oceans by Christian Grataloup © Larousse

By: Caroline Lachowsky

1 min

How was our representation of the world constructed?

From where?

And how can we change our mental geographies? 


Let's question our representation of the world: why have the Earth divided into 5 continents and 3 large oceans?

And especially from where?

Why did we 'orient' to the North?

How was this fragmentary, arbitrary vision of our planet constructed (which has continued to evolve over time)?

How do we get our cards back on the table today?

Starting by realizing that our continents and our oceans also have a history and a context that is much more cultural than natural ...

With the geo-historian

Christian Grataloup

for his book 

The invention of continents and oceans: history of the representation of the world, 

published by Éditions Larousse.


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  • History

  • Oceans

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