Teller Report

An octopus drives a gull to the bottom

11/30/2020, 9:36:08 AM

"This octopus seized this juvenile of about 3 years old without ever releasing its grip", tells a witness in Saint-Laurent-du-Var

The victim of this octopus was finally freed by leaving some feathers there -

D. Narcy

  • Last week, the person in charge of the Natural Aquarium of the Blue Flows, a marine protected area of ​​Saint-Laurent-du-Var, witnessed the attack of a gull by an octopus.

  • He was finally able to free the bird from its embrace.

Tentacles encircling a "victim", pulling her to the bottom.

The scene, which some might see straight out of a horror film, or rather a Jules Verne novel, took place last week on a beach in Saint-Laurent-du-Var, just next door from Nice (Alpes-Maritimes), and was captured on video.

Face camera?

So an octopus and a ... young gull that the first had decided to grip firmly with the help of these long rows of suckers.

"This octopus, probably attracted by the presence of fish and the flapping of the gulls' legs, seized this juvenile of about 3 years old without ever releasing its grip", says Daniel Narcy, the witness of this original meeting.

But not unheard of.

"This is not the first that I see this", specifies the host of the Natural Aquarium of the Blue Flows, a protected marine area where hundreds of schoolchildren parade to discover marine life.

"You should know that an octopus is a player"

That day "are present on the beach dozens of black-headed gulls, gulls but also swans" and "all this little world coexists with the fish fauna", Daniel Narcy tells

20 Minutes


"From time to time, a curious octopus, not always the same, invites itself among the fish," he said. Besides his curiosity, you should know that an octopus is playful.

I have played with them several times.


An act of play rather than appetite a priori ... Except that this one began to seriously threaten the life of the young bird, found "inert" and the beak in the water.

But it was without counting on the reaction of the Good Samaritan of Saint-Laurent-du-Var, animal friend, intervened to free the poor gogo from his viscous embrace.

He was able to resume his flight with, perhaps, the firm intention that he would not be taken there again.


Why are gulls targeted on the Riviera coast?


The Promenade des Anglais deserted, a gull settles there (quiet) to incubate its eggs

  • Animals

  • Octopus

  • Bird

  • Planet

  • Nice

  • Sea