Teller Report

"Global Village" .. Celebrations and records on the National Day

11/30/2020, 10:57:32 PM

Global Village, one of the largest cultural parks in the world, announced the organization of many surprises for its guests, during the week celebrations of the 49th National Day of the founding of the UAE. The region’s leading entertainment destination will celebrate the spirit of the union this year, in an exceptional setting

Fireworks, entertainment and 7 artworks celebrating the spirit of the union

"Global Village" .. Celebrations and records on the National Day

The village will witness reviews and a group of artistic works throughout it. From the source

Global Village, one of the largest cultural parks in the world, announced the organization of many surprises for its guests, during the week celebrations of the 49th National Day of the founding of the UAE.

The region's leading entertainment destination will celebrate the spirit of the union this year, in an exceptional setting, as it will witness a display of artworks throughout.

Preparations are being made to present exceptional events, for unique experiences that remain in the mind during the long weekend, in celebration of the unity of the Emirates, its cultural diversity and its human values.

During the national holidays, seven distinctive artistic designs will be displayed, to celebrate the cultural diversity of the country, and to commemorate the official union of its emirates 49 years ago.

It included: a graphic artwork of the text “The Spirit of the Union” installed on columns colored in the colors of the UAE flag, which shines in front of the guests to capture the most magnificent memorial pictures, an artistic design of seven columns of vertically stacked rocks, up to five meters high, and decorated in bright colors that simulate the cultural diversity in The state is at the Celebrations Walk, and in cooperation with Aquafina, the Global Village is attempting to break the record in the largest pooled campaign using plastic sheeting, and the village is trying to break the record for the largest aggregate number using flags, and the village will also try to break the record for the largest mosaic panel using tickets ( To form a flag), which requires forming a flag of at least 50 square meters with tickets.

The Emirates Pavilion welcomes guests, during the National Day holiday, with authentic Emirati hospitality, and a package of entertainment and cultural programs.

Seven distinctive artistic designs, celebrating cultural diversity.

The largest mosaic panel, using tickets to "form a flag".

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