Teller Report

Dannenröder Forst: How the struggle for "Danni" is radicalizing

11/29/2020, 6:14:01 PM

Throwing excrement, setting oneself in concrete - and more and more physical violence: In the Dannenröder Forest, environmental activists are increasingly brutal against the police. There is now a great fear of state power. And a fundamental conflict is worsening among the Greens.

The police operations in the Dannenröder forest are becoming increasingly risky.

Sometimes the evacuation parties are greeted with a load of excrement which is dropped in bags;

sometimes it's eggs, sometimes “just” insults.

Every now and then there are kicks or blows with a stick, recently it was even - at least that's what the police say - a kind of grappling hook.

The situation is coming to a head, tension is increasing in the Dannenröder Forest, and with it the aggression. The police have been working with hundreds of forces for almost three weeks. But so far she has not managed to get the anger of environmental activists under control.