Teller Report

Bitkom: There is a lack of young IT talent

11/29/2020, 8:28:27 PM

The IT industry is increasingly in demand - but skilled workers are rare. Additional training positions could help.


Berlin (dpa) - In view of the shortage of young talent, the Bitkom digital association is demanding 10,000 additional new apprenticeships in IT professions.

"The lack of IT talent is a huge problem for the economy as a whole," said President Achim Berg to the "Handelsblatt".

According to him, there were 124,000 vacancies at the end of last year.

"That was 40,000 more than in 2018 - and it may well be that we will break the 200,000 mark in two years," said Berg.

The goal must therefore be "to create 10,000 additional new training positions in IT professions".

Larger companies with IT departments of ten or more employees can be expected to train more, said the president.

"The Corona year shouldn't be an excuse."


The President of the Federal Institute for Vocational Education and Training (BIBB), Friedrich Hubert Esser, also appealed: "All larger companies are called upon to include trainees in their IT departments."

So far, "the structural change towards the digital economy is running far ahead of training - with the result that many companies do not train because they lack the trainers themselves," Esser told the newspaper.

"But if we don't invest far more resources in training - and assign the scarce IT specialists to do so - it slows the economy as a whole."

The German government's 14th digital summit will take place online this Monday and Tuesday.

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