Teller Report

Armenian President urged to form a new government

11/29/2020, 6:23:42 PM

At a meeting with representatives of the Russian Armenian community, Armenian President Armen Sarkissian stated the need to form a new government against the background of the crisis in the republic due to the situation with Nagorno-Karabakh.

“I think that the government should resign ... After such upheavals, any government should receive a mandate again ... We had the previous elections two years ago, it was a completely different country,” Sargsyan said.

According to him, Armenia is experiencing economic difficulties, health problems, difficulties associated with the coronavirus, and also suffered damage as a result of the hostilities in Karabakh.

The Armenian leader also stressed the importance of holding a referendum in the republic on changing the Constitution.

“Any constitution, be it presidential or parliamentary, there must be balance and balances, mechanisms of restraint.

So that not a single person, being president or prime minister, takes on decisions that are nationally important, "he stressed

Sargsyan noted that the Constitution of Armenia “is absolutely unbalanced”.

Earlier, the President of Armenia announced the inevitability of early parliamentary elections in the republic.

Commenting on the trilateral statement of Moscow, Baku and Yerevan on the cessation of hostilities in Nagorno-Karabakh, Sargsyan said that he learned about it from the press.

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