Teller Report

Wuhan Institute of Communication responds to students' misappropriation of entries: plagiarism is true

11/28/2020, 3:56:43 AM

  China News Service, November 28. According to the official Weibo news of Wuhan Institute of Media and Communication, a few days ago, netizens posted that their original works were stolen and plagiarized by Zheng Moumou, a student of Wuhan Institute of Media, to participate in the "China College Students Creativity Festival" and "Nippon's Future" Star'Young Designer Competition', the school quick

  China News Service, November 28. According to the official Weibo news of Wuhan Institute of Media and Communication, a few days ago, netizens posted that their original works were stolen and plagiarized by Zheng Moumou, a student of Wuhan Institute of Media, to participate in the "China College Students Creativity Festival" and "Nippon's Future" Star'Young Designer Competition', the school quickly established an investigation team to investigate the matter.

After verification, the plagiarism was true, and it was decided to give Zheng a probation, cancel his first-class scholarship in school, and revoke his national scholarship selection qualification.

  The Wuhan Institute of Communication stated that after verification with the competition organizing committee, the stolen entries reported by netizens were indeed uploaded by Zheng's account, and the organizing committee has removed the works.

The suspected plagiarism "Wise Eye" was confirmed by the school academic committee that the plagiarism was true.

  According to the Ministry of Education’s "Regulations on the Management of Students in General Higher Education Institutions" (Order No. 41 of the Ministry of Education), the principal’s office decided to give Zheng a probation penalty and cancel the first class in the 2020-2021 school year of Zheng XX Wuhan Media College Scholarships, withdraw their national scholarship selection qualifications.

Zheng Moumou has realized the adverse effects caused by his wrong behavior and publicly apologized to the original author and the public.

  Wuhan Institute of Media and Communication emphasizes that it is grateful to all sectors of society for their long-term concern for the school. The school will use this as a lesson to further strengthen and improve the academic ethics of the school's teachers and students, standardize academic standards, and comprehensively carry out scientific research integrity and academic ethics education activities.

In the future, we will continue to administer the school strictly, with zero tolerance for any academic misconduct. Once verified, we will never tolerate it.