Teller Report

With and without grounds

11/28/2020, 2:57:30 PM

From so much wanting to crush it they have made it great. It turns out that the French newspaper Le Figaro now qualifies Isabel Díaz Ayuso as "the new muse of the Spanish right", "the beast

From so much wanting to crush it they have made it great.

It turns out that the French newspaper

Le Figaro

now qualifies

Isabel Díaz Ayuso


"the new muse of the Spanish right"

, "the black beast of the Government" or "the political discovery of 2020".

Last week, in Germany, the DPA agency and the daily

Die Welt

considered their handling of the second wave of the pandemic "a miracle".

Only a little over a month ago, and because it was still out of Spain and with conservative newspapers, the

Financial Times

regretted the

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