Teller Report

John Boyega explained to Lucasfilm after reviews

11/28/2020, 9:51:05 AM

The actor had rebelled against the production of "Star Wars" because of the fate reserved for his character in the last trilogy

Actor John Boyega -

O'Connor / AFF / VISUAL Press Agency

Last September, John Boyega expressed all his frustration with the fate of his character in the latest

Star Wars



Central in

The Force

Awakens, Finn had been relegated to the background in the other two films, and the actor had gone so far as to accuse Disney of racism for this choice.

Recently, John Boyega revealed that he had a heart-to-heart discussion with Lucasfilm boss Kathleen Kennedy, who was able to appease his anger.

“So I gave Kathleen Kennedy a call and she verbally supported me.

We were able to have a really pleasant, transparent and honest conversation which benefited both of us, ”he said rather evasively in an interview with the BBC.

The virtues of discussion

Because if John Boyega admits that his gesture could appear as a means of "saving his career", he sees things quite differently.

For the actor, it is simply important that everyone is able to "be part of the conversation" when it comes to the characters that matter to so many people.

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“Now people can speak out on this knowing that all the characters we love, especially in these big franchises like Marvel and

Star Wars

, we love them because of these moments that are attributed to them, and these are all these producers who decide to attribute these heroic moments to the characters.

So we have to see that in our characters who are maybe black and from other cultures, ”he encouraged.


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