Teller Report

Armed police soldiers get off the car in a road accident to save

11/28/2020, 2:58:03 PM

  At 9:56 on November 28, at the intersection of Linchang Road and Taowan Road in Zhoushan, Zhejiang, a car suddenly accelerated and directly hit a battery car driving on the side. A mother and child on the battery car were knocked off and the battery car was also hit. Get caught under the car wheels.   At this time, the vehicle from the Zhoushan Detachment of the Armed Police was passing by. Aft

  At 9:56 on November 28, at the intersection of Linchang Road and Taowan Road in Zhoushan, Zhejiang, a car suddenly accelerated and directly hit a battery car driving on the side. A mother and child on the battery car were knocked off and the battery car was also hit. Get caught under the car wheels.

  At this time, the vehicle from the Zhoushan Detachment of the Armed Police was passing by. After the cadre with the vehicle Chen Shuomin discovered the situation, he quickly reported the situation to his superiors and notified the hospital and traffic control department as soon as possible. At the same time, he got off the vehicle to rescue the injured mother and child. Traffic to prevent secondary accidents.

  At 10:01, medical personnel and police rushed to the scene. The officers and soldiers assisted them in moving the mother and child to the side of the road and taking the injured to the ambulance.

Currently, the injured are receiving further treatment in the hospital.

  (Zhou Sunyu video source from Armed Police Zhoushan Detachment Zeng Xin Chen Shuomin Chen Wei)

Editor in charge: [Zhang Yifan]