Teller Report

TRUMP: I'd leave the White House if the electoral college votes for Biden

11/27/2020, 11:11:11 PM

Yesterday, the outgoing US President Donald Trump announced, for the first time, that he will leave the White House, when the Electoral College confirms the victory of his Democratic opponent, John Biden, in the presidential elections, in an additional step towards acknowledging his defeat. And after Trump offered his congratulations to the

In an additional step towards acknowledging his defeat

TRUMP: I'd leave the White House if the electoral college votes for Biden

Trump and Melania in the White House lawn during the Thanksgiving celebration.


The outgoing US President Donald Trump announced yesterday, for the first time, that he will leave the White House, when the electoral college confirms the victory of his Democratic opponent, John Biden, in the presidential elections, in an additional step towards acknowledging his defeat.

After Trump presented his congratulations to the armed forces on the occasion of Thanksgiving, reporters asked him questions, especially whether he would officially acknowledge his defeat, after the top voters confirmed the presidential transition to Biden.

Trump replied: "It will be very difficult to accept that, because we all know that a massive fraud took place," in the November 3rd elections.

In response to a question about whether he will leave the White House on January 20, the day the new president is sworn in, he said: "Of course I will, and you know that."

Trump's statement has an important significance, at a time when his refusal to acknowledge Biden’s victory is considered a unique position in the history of the United States, even after it became certain that the presidential powers would transfer to Biden at the beginning of next year.

But he added, "I think a lot of things will happen before the 20th of January."

All of Trump's appeals have failed so far, at a time when states that were decisive in one election after another confirm the results of the vote in them.

Trump described the American electoral infrastructure as witnessing that existing "in the third world countries", without providing any concrete evidence or indication to support his accusations against the Democrats of electoral fraud.

On the other hand, he announced that he will travel on December 5 to Georgia, which in January will organize by-elections to fill two seats in the Senate, the results of which will be decided by the majority.

Biden, former Vice President Barack Obama, won 306 of the top voters, compared to 232 for Trump, and his victory was achieved by regaining a number of ancient democratic strongholds that Trump seized in 2016, such as: Pennsylvania, Michigan, and Wisconsin.

Last Monday, Trump was forced to give the green light to start the process of transferring power between his administration and the administration of the president-elect, which allowed Biden to view various files, obtain funding, and receive the daily briefing of the US intelligence services.

He can also see information related to the "Covid-19" epidemic, and the progress of the various vaccines under development.

How to deal with the health crisis, in the last months of Trump's chaotic mandate, played a decisive role in his electoral defeat, at a time when the number of deaths due to "Covid-19" in the United States exceeded 260 thousand, the highest toll in the world.

Biden (78 years) has also begun preparing for assuming the presidency by announcing the first appointments in his next administration. Among the officials appointed are many former members of the Obama administration, such as the incoming Secretary of State Anthony Blinken.

The former Secretary of State, John Kerry, 76, is returning to Washington as a special envoy for climate, in an indication of the importance Biden attaches to this file.

Next week, the president-elect will announce the members of his economic team, while Janet Yellen, the former head of the Federal Reserve, will be appointed as finance minister.

Biden and Trump quietly celebrate Thanksgiving amid "pandemic"

US Democratic President-elect Joe Biden and outgoing Republican President Donald Trump celebrated Thanksgiving quietly near the house yesterday, like millions of Americans, as the new Corona virus swept the United States.

The Americans, who usually meet with their families on this holiday, received two conflicting calls: the first from President-elect Joe Biden, who described as a "sacrifice" to refrain from traveling, and the second from the outgoing president, Donald Trump, who encouraged "Americans to gather in their homes," And in places of worship ».

Biden spent the vacation in the small coastal town of Rehoboth, Delaware, where he and wife Jill have a vacation home, and hosted their daughter Ashley and her husband at Thanksgiving dinner.

Biden said, in a video recording of himself and his wife, which he broadcast on his Twitter account, on the occasion of Eid, that the family usually holds a large gathering on an island off Massachusetts, but this year he stayed in Delaware: "With just a small group, around the dinner table." Because of the pandemic.

In his address to the nation that lost more than 260,000 due to the pandemic, the president-elect said that Americans are making "a common sacrifice for the entire country" and a "unified goal position" by staying at home with their families.

President Trump used to celebrate the holidays at Mar Alago, Florida.

But he stayed in the Washington area yesterday.

Reuters. Washington


will announce Biden, next week, members of the

economic team, with anticipation for the

appointment of

former president «Fed», Janet Yellen, Minister of Finance.

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