Teller Report

The allocation of the Dubai Basketball Championship next January for the Arab teams

11/26/2020, 10:23:25 PM

The President of the Arab and Emirates Basketball Federations, the Chairman of the Supreme Organizing Committee of the "Dubai International" championship, Major General Ismail Al-Gergawi, revealed that "the 32nd edition of the oldest tournament in Asia, which is to be launched in mid-January, will be allocated to Arab teams instead of participating clubs."

Al Gergawi: The decision came as a result of the difficulties the clubs are going through

The allocation of the Dubai Basketball Championship next January for the Arab teams

  • Part of the Dubai Championship that was held last February ■ Photography: Patrick Castello

  • Ismail Al-Gergawi: "There are challenges that will be imposed on the Supreme Organizing Committee, in finding the required funding for the next edition, but we are fully confident in our ability to organize an exceptional copy."


The head of the Arab and Emirates Basketball Federations, the Chairman of the Supreme Organizing Committee of the "Dubai International" championship, Major General Ismail Al-Gergawi, revealed that "the 32nd edition of the oldest tournament in Asia, which is to be launched in mid-January, will be allocated to the Arab teams instead of participating clubs."

Al-Gergawi said to "Emirates Today": "The difficulties that elite clubs are going through at the level of Asia and Africa, whether in transportation, travel, contracts with professional players, and the financial crises imposed by the Corona pandemic, were behind the decision to allocate them to teams only."

He explained: "The tournament receives constant attention from the elite of clubs in Asia and Africa to participate and compete for its title, not only because it is the oldest Asian championship, but also because it is held in a period of time during the periods of the leagues, and a preparatory station for the final stages of the tournaments."

He added, "There are challenges that will be imposed on the Supreme Organizing Committee in finding the required funding for the next edition, but we are fully confident in our ability to organize an exceptional edition through which we continue the successes of the championship over the past 31 years."

And he added: “The Dubai Championship had previously recorded in its first ten editions a wide participation of the elite of the international teams, before the gradual transition to clubs, however, returning to the national teams system will not affect the technical level, as it will provide an exceptional experience, especially since it is held in January. Next, it represents a final preparation station for the Arab teams before their participation in February 2021 in the Arab Championship organized by the Arab Federation.

He concluded: “The championship will constitute, for a new time, an important station for the national team, by providing high-level friction experiences in the interest of improving the technical and physical levels of the team’s members, in a preparatory station for Al-Abyad prior to his upcoming participation in the Gulf Games in March 2021.”

The Corona pandemic made it difficult for clubs to move around and make the necessary contracts.

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