Teller Report

Ready for the Premier League crowd - for some teams

11/26/2020, 1:42:16 PM

England opens up to audiences in the country's arenas. But only in some cities. London and Liverpool get the green light - but Manchester have to wait.

The British government announced on Thursday that certain regions in the country are allowed to take in spectators at sports arenas, Sky Sports states.

London and Liverpool are two cities that can take in spectators, which means that clubs such as Tottenham, Chelsea and Liverpool do not have to play in front of empty stands.

2000 people is what is allowed, as long as the clubs continue to follow the country's corona restrictions.

The UK has three different levels of security in the country, depending on the extent of the spread of infection.

The cities that are allowed to take in an audience are classified as level 1 or level 2 and those that are level 3 are not allowed to take in an audience.

Manchester is still classified as level 3, which means that Manchester United and Manchester City are not allowed to have an audience.

Aston Villa, Newcastle, Leeds, Leicester and Wolves will also have to wait to bring in spectators.

The proposal will be presented to the Riksdag on 1 December and is expected to enter into force on 2 December.