Teller Report

Protsenko called the peculiarity of the coronavirus

11/26/2020, 7:19:51 PM

Denis Protsenko, the head physician of the infectious diseases hospital in the Moscow village of Kommunarka, spoke about the peculiarities of patients with coronavirus infection COVID-19.

"A feature of patients with COVID-19 is the rapid formation of extremely dangerous superinfective bacteria in their body," Moskovsky Komsomolets quotes him.

He noted that, despite the fact that the hospital in Kommunarka opened only in March and there should not be nosocomial strains, "in three months they appeared in all intensive care units - and Staphylococcus aureus, pneumonia, and others."

According to him, the reason for this is the transfer from other hospitals of patients who brought microbes to Kommunarka.

“Moreover, these are problematic strains with multiple resistance, which limits treatment options.

And we are detecting them more often, ”said Protsenko.

Earlier it was reported that almost 900 patients are being treated at a hospital in Moscow's Kommunarka.

Also, the newspaper "" reported that 25,487 cases of coronavirus infection were detected in Russia per day.