Teller Report

Five infected national teams - four have uploaded in Sweden

11/26/2020, 8:35:55 PM

Five countries are uncertain to start at the World Cup premiere this weekend. Four of the national teams have been in Sweden on camp and now have covid-19 in the squad. - It feels sad that it has happened. But why it feels difficult to know, says the biathlon association's sports director Anna-Maria Uusitalo to SVT Sport.

This weekend, it's time for the premiere of the World Cup in biathlon in Kontiolahti, Finland.

At present, it is unclear about the participation of several countries due to covid falls.

Five national teams have been affected by corona, and are unsure to start.

Four of the five national teams have been in Sweden.

- It is a little difficult to know how they have behaved when they have been in Sweden.

How have they been tested?

And so on.

That we have a spread of infection in Sweden is clear, and of course it is sad.

But that's it, it's everywhere, says Anna-Maria Uusitalo to SVT Sport.

"I feel calm"

Several of the skiers competed in Idre at the same time as Sweden.

But Uusitalo is not worried.

- I feel calm because it's so long we were in Idre, and we did not hang out with them.

When we were at the camp, we lived in our own apartments and ate in our own dining room, with our own buffet.

We have not mixed at all with other skiers.

During the competitions, our activists lived with the clubs, and no one actively ate in the common dining room.

This is probably where you think it may have happened, we think there is very little risk that you have been infected out at the competitions, that you have stood and shot next to someone.

KLIPP: That's why Stina Nilsson switched to biathlon

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In March, the news came that Stina Nilsson is changing sports.

Photo: SVT

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