Teller Report

USA: Helicopter crew discovers metal monolith in the middle of red rocks in Utah

11/24/2020, 3:37:22 PM

A crew of a helicopter was busy counting the sheep population in southeast Utah when they saw an unusual object in the middle of the red rock landscape. The object reminds the pilot of a scene from a famous film.


According to the authorities, the crew of a helicopter found an unusual metal monolith in a remote area of ​​the US state of Utah.

The helicopter helped count sheep in southeastern Utah on Wednesday when crew members saw the object and landed nearby for closer inspection, the state's public safety agency announced on Monday (local time).

Photos show the column in the middle of a red rock landscape characteristic of the region.

The pilot Bret Hutchings told the local broadcaster KSL that the object was about three to three and a half meters high.

"That was pretty much the strangest thing I've come across flying out there in all my years."

The monolith towers over the explorers a good bit

Source: pa / dpa / Utah Department Of Public Safety


One of the biologists on board noticed the monolith.

"He said, 'Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, turn around, turn around!'

And I like: 'What?'

And he said: 'There is this thing over there - we have to look at it!' "Hutchings described the moment of discovery.

Possibly an art object?

The origin of the item is unclear.

There was no information on the exact location.

The authority wants to prevent people from getting lost while visiting the remote place and then having to be rescued.

It is illegal to install objects or works of art on state-administered land without a permit, "regardless of which planet you come from," wrote the authority, obviously ironically.

Pilot Hutchings suspects the object came from a “New Wave artist” or from someone “who was a big fan of 2001: A Space Odyssey”. ”In the film by director Stanley Kubrick, apes discover a mysterious monolith.