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Today the economy - Why migrants have become key players in innovation

11/24/2020, 8:41:12 AM

Migrants increasingly play a key role in technological innovation. This is what the Germans are discovering today with the success of the vaccine from BioNtech, a company founded ...

Why migrants have become key players in innovation

Audio 03:55

French police confiscate the tents of migrants with nowhere to go after the dismantling of a camp in Saint-Denis, on the night of November 23 to 24, 2020 © AFP / Greg Ozan

By: Dominique Baillard Follow

8 min

Migrants increasingly play a key role in technological innovation.

This is what the Germans are discovering today with the success of the vaccine from BioNtech, a company founded by two nationals of Turkish origin.


The story of this couple of scientists who became successful entrepreneurs is enough to make the young generations of migrants living in Germany dream.

Thanks to their intuition and their tenacity,

Uğur Şahin and Özlem Türeci

, both doctors, both from a family of Turkish migrants, are revolutionizing the vaccine response.

On the way they join the club of great German fortunes.

Such success remains exceptional among the four million Turkish nationals living in Germany.

But this fairy tale may well have to repeat itself as migrants have become the spearhead of German tech.


in four German


was founded by a migrant or the son or daughter of a migrant.

For fifteen years, the number of businesses created by people of foreign origin has increased by a third while nationals have less and less appetite for business creation.

Is the Silicon Valley model taking a toll


It is true that in California, in the crucible of innovation, more than half of the


created between 1995 and 2005 are the work of migrants.

The Tesla electric car and the Google search engine are innovations brought by newcomers to American soil.

In the United Kingdom, entrepreneurs with an immigrant background are also over-represented in the tech sector with the same ratio: one

in two


founded by people of foreign origin.

And their success is resounding: 9 of the 14 British unicorns, that is to say promising companies worth today more than a billion dollars, were created by men - or women, of migration.

Many countries are trying to replicate this model with special programs to attract young foreign talent.

This is the case, among others, of France, Ireland, Estonia, Canada, Singapore, and Chile. 

But if migrants do better in Germany, it's not really because we roll out a red carpet for them

It is rather because they have difficulty in being recruited at their level of competence that they turn to business creation.

In Germany, getting a foreign diploma recognized is an obstacle course, and those who have arrived to escape war or other disaster have often lost their precious diploma along the way.

The experience of exile has made them hardened, it multiplies their energy and their determination to overcome the multiple obstacles which mark out the creation of a business.

This is true for those who arrive in Europe as well as for those who are tempted by the

American dream


The Chinese Eric Yuan, the founder of the Zoom application, which became our essential virtual meeting place during the confinement, had to do it 8 times before obtaining a visa for the United States.


In France, traders impatiently await President Macron's intervention

The president should detail a gradual deconfinement plan this evening at 8 p.m.

booksellers and clothing stores hope to get the green light for a reopening this weekend.

The unknown is the fate of the Christmas holidays, can we travel?

Will we be able to go skiing?

No question for the moment of reopening the bars or the restaurants.

Joe Biden to appoint Janet Yellen as Treasury secretary

This is the first time that a woman has acceded to this strategic post in the American administration.

This progressive economist will therefore be on the front line to resolve the crisis caused by the pandemic.

She is also the first woman to have chaired the central bank of the United States.

His appointment is rather appreciated by the American stock market.


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