Teller Report

The triple significance of RCEP to the high-quality development of China's economy

11/23/2020, 9:21:03 AM

  Core View: Economic Daily-China Economic Net columnist Qiao Ruiqing believes that in the face of the rise of global trade protectionism and unilateralism, as the new crown pneumonia epidemic continues to raging and the global economic recession, the regional comprehensive economic partnership agreement is providing the Asian economic belt. While coming to a bright future, it also gave the global

  Core View: Economic Daily-China Economic Net columnist Qiao Ruiqing believes that in the face of the rise of global trade protectionism and unilateralism, as the new crown pneumonia epidemic continues to raging and the global economic recession, the regional comprehensive economic partnership agreement is providing the Asian economic belt. While coming to a bright future, it also gave the global economy a "cardio boost".

  Premier Li Keqiang of the State Council presided over an executive meeting of the State Council on November 18, demanding that the implementation of the regional comprehensive economic partnership agreement be carried out in accordance with the schedule.

The meeting pointed out that it is necessary to further promote high-level institutional opening.

The regional comprehensive economic partnership agreement signed a few days ago reflects the common will of countries in the Asia-Pacific region to safeguard multilateralism and free trade.

The construction of the world's largest free trade zone will help stabilize the supply chain of the industrial chain and benefit the people of relevant countries.

The meeting required relevant departments to speed up implementation in accordance with the timetable set by the agreement, step up reforms, do a good job in domestic related work to promote the implementation of the agreement, fulfill their promises as soon as possible, and achieve mutual benefit and win-win results in mutual expansion and opening up.

  The signing of the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement (RCEP) is of vital importance to our country and is a major event in our economic life.

The executive meeting of the State Council to study the implementation of the regional comprehensive economic partnership agreement is sufficient to demonstrate China's determination, confidence and perseverance in promoting trade and investment liberalization and facilitation.

Faced with the rise of global trade protectionism and unilateralism, and at a time when the new crown pneumonia epidemic continues to raging and the global economy is in recession, the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement not only brings bright prospects to the Asian economy, but also gives a shot to the global economy. "cardiac".

Of course, the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement also provides a new strong impetus for my country's new journey of building a socialist modern country in an all-round way.

  The Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement will help promote higher-level reform and opening up.

Reform will not stop, and opening up will not stop.

For more than 40 years of reform and opening up, China is changing from actively adapting to globalization to actively leading it.

This requires China to move towards a higher level of reform and opening up, and the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement provides such an important opportunity.

Under the framework of the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement, China will further deepen reforms to promote trade and investment liberalization and facilitation, and further revise and improve relevant trade and investment rules to meet the needs of high-level opening up.

  The regional comprehensive economic partnership agreement can help improve the quality of domestic goods and services.

The people's yearning for a better life requires domestic products and services to be further improved in quality and to create more and better international brands.

The Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement puts domestic enterprises in a more challenging competitive environment, forcing them to carry out a quality revolution, no longer relying on demographic dividends and land resource dividends, and truly embrace quality dividends and satisfy with solid quality Market, win the market, increase visibility and reputation, and become an international brand that can withstand market testing.

  The Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement will help promote the expansion and quality of domestic consumption.

We must firmly implement the strategy of expanding domestic demand, and consumption is the top priority of expanding domestic demand.

Within the framework of the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement, domestic export companies will face a broader foreign market and increase exports of goods and services, thereby helping to increase the income level of domestic residents and driving the expansion of total domestic consumption.

At the same time, more high-quality goods and services enter the domestic market, which will also boost domestic consumption.

  The Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement is a new opportunity for China to move toward a higher level of reform and opening up. It is also a new starting point for Asia to move towards a better future, and it is also an important beginning for a new pattern of global economic governance.

China will definitely be able to make good use of the regional comprehensive economic partnership agreement, promote mutual benefit and win-win results, and better contribute to global economic growth.

(Economic Daily-China Economic Net columnist Qiao Ruiqing)