Teller Report

The digital age without stopping: see the light in the Internet to see the future

11/23/2020, 3:37:58 PM

Hangzhou "City Brain" digital cockpit. Photo by Zhang Yuhuan Along the Qiantang River in Hangzhou, Zhejiang. Photo by Wang Gang   China News Service, Wuzhen, November 23 (Zhao Yejiao and Zhang Yuhuan) In the past seven years, the small bridges in Wuzhen, Zhejiang Province have flowed out and converged, and have turned into a flood of China's digital economy.   On the 23rd, the "World Internet

Hangzhou "City Brain" digital cockpit.

Photo by Zhang Yuhuan

Along the Qiantang River in Hangzhou, Zhejiang.

Photo by Wang Gang

  China News Service, Wuzhen, November 23 (Zhao Yejiao and Zhang Yuhuan) In the past seven years, the small bridges in Wuzhen, Zhejiang Province have flowed out and converged, and have turned into a flood of China's digital economy.

  On the 23rd, the "World Internet Conference · Internet Development Forum" with the theme of "Digital Empowerment to Create a Common Future-Join Hands to Build a Community with a Shared Future in Cyberspace" opened in Wuzhen.

  See Zhejiang from Wuzhen and China from Zhejiang.

In the non-stop digital age, profound changes have taken place in all aspects of the economy and society.

Swinging ninety thousand miles, the digital power is like a Kunpeng bird, straight up to the "clouds" and set off a storm.

  Digital transformation of production: new manufacturing has gradually become the "new normal"

  At each World Internet Conference, the "Internet Light Expo" is regarded as a platform to showcase the latest technologies, products and applications of the global Internet.

  Alibaba's third-generation Shenlong cloud server, Zhijiang Lab's billion-level neuron brain computer, Tianshu artificial intelligence open source platform, the first official appearance of the national (Hangzhou) new Internet exchange center... at this year's Internet Light Expo In the 20,000-square-meter exhibition hall in the center, a number of heavy black technologies have been unveiled.

  In addition to the eye-catching "black technology", what changes have been given to the times by the "light of the Internet"?

  Tens of kilometers away from the Internet Light Expo Center, there is Xinfengming Group, the world's second leading enterprise in the polyester spinning industry.

In the 14,000-square-meter workshop, without hearing the sound of the machine, I saw the robot dexterously shuttled through the workshop.

  "We helped Xinfengming build a 5G floating wire detection system. Through 8K ultra-high-definition and AI intelligent recognition technology, the system can detect whether a single wire is broken in real time at a speed of 60 meters per second." Zhejiang Mobile government and enterprise customers Department 5G product manager Yu Zhengcao introduced that this application scenario helped Xinfengming's excellent product rate to exceed 98%, and the annual economic benefit increased by more than 20 million yuan.

  Behind the improvement of quality and efficiency is the "cloud and rain" brought about by industrial digitization.

  In recent years, Zhejiang has focused on the integration and development of a new generation of information technology and manufacturing to promote the accelerated transformation of industrial digitalization.

As of the end of September, Zhejiang has accumulated about 398,000 companies on the cloud-"high-level cloud use, deep cloud use" has gradually become a "new normal" in Zhejiang.

  Aiming at the key core technology tackling projects in the industry, Zhejiang has “one step further” with digital innovation.

  In Hangzhou Wansli Silk Culture Co., Ltd., because of the use of digital technology, silk has also gained a bit of modern vitality.

In the design, the fashion color scheme based on big data analysis is used, and the double-sided printing technology based on artificial intelligence is used in the manufacturing. In addition, through the grafting AR technology, the customer can see the video of the design story by scanning the silk scarf pattern... …

  "Digital is the new driving force for the transformation and upgrading of traditional enterprises." Li Jianhua, chairman of Wansli Silk Culture Co., Ltd., said that in the context of a new round of information revolution of digitization, networking and intelligence, the ability to mine high-quality data will become an enterprise. Core competitiveness.

  The digital economy gives an objective answer to the economy in terms of "numbers."

Throughout the first three quarters, the added value of the core industries of Zhejiang's digital economy was 489.39 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 11%, accounting for 10.7% of GDP, providing hard-core support for promoting high-quality economic and social development.

  Digital lights up life: new consumption sets off a "new fashion"

  Digital technology drives innovation to gather energy and infiltrate life in silence.

  Now in Wuzhen, many cutting-edge scientific and technological achievements are making this millennium water town more and more intelligent and fashionable.

  The aunts who dance the square dance happily in front of a big screen in Wuzhen People’s Park.

You don’t need to bring your own audio. This AI virtual large screen can be used to choose music and tutorials on your own. It can also feedback dance movements in real time through the HD screen.

The large screen of Chinese traditional arts, AR zoo...a series of smart scenes fully demonstrate the practicality and convenience of digital technology in life, allowing the common people to get a novel experience while getting scientific training.

  It can be seen that digital technology is actually "close" to life.

This year, the "live delivery with goods" that has sprung up like bamboo shoots after a rain has set off a new trend and triggered another consumer experience.

  Data shows that on the day of Double Eleven, the Jingdong platform achieved a live broadcast of more than 100 million yuan in just 6 seconds.

Taobao live broadcast from November 1st to 12 o'clock on the 11th, there were 28 live broadcast rooms with a turnover of over 100 million yuan...

  Live delivery of goods is not only a "shopping spree for the whole people", it also expands new ways of consumer poverty alleviation.

The previous Zhejiang Agricultural Expo organized hundreds of agricultural podcasts to carry out activities to bring goods to help farmers, setting up a "through train" of agricultural products from the ground to the table.

Up to now, Zhejiang's agricultural products sold on the spot in live e-commerce reached 317,000 jin.

  In addition to live broadcasts, new business formats and scenarios such as new retail, Internet medical care, and online economy are still expanding. Consumption models such as "home economy" and "cloud life" also exhibit multiple forms of "digital life".

  According to Liu Qihong, chairman of Zhejiang Changlong Airlines, with the help of advanced artificial intelligence technology, the company will intelligently process the most relevant business scenarios for passengers, combine mobile internet and aviation services, create various consumer products, and realize the ability to travel by plane. Discounts on car, shopping and other scenes make Xiaoxiao’s “ticket” a “pass” for consumption scenes.

  In the "post-epidemic era", various new scenarios of digital life have emerged, and have also achieved a new look in the digital age.

  Digital empowerment governance: "holistic smart governance" under new thinking

  Regardless of the digital economy and digital life, in the final analysis, it is the product of digital thinking under the tide of the times.

As the digital boundary continues to expand, the government's digital transformation is furthering the goal of governance modernization.

  In this year's epidemic prevention and control, a small "health code" played a "big role" in epidemic analysis, prediction, and prevention and control.

  At the beginning of February this year, Hangzhou took the lead in developing the “health code” in China based on the “urban brain”, and quickly replicated it in more than 200 cities in 18 provinces in China two weeks later, eliminating risks to the greatest extent with the “lowest cost” People's lives, community management and control, and government decision-making provide reliable scientific and technological support.

  After the resumption of production and work, Zhejiang launched the first to promote the application of the "enterprise code". From May 28 to October 25, 2.63 million enterprises in Zhejiang received codes and used codes. Industrial enterprises were required to achieve full coverage of codes, and all regions were interconnected. The inter-communication "code" cashed out policy funds of 11.36 billion yuan.

  Behind the precision intelligent control is the demonstration of the "strength" that digital technology promotes the innovation of urban management methods, models and concepts.

And the core of everything rests in "people".

  On the 17 large electronically guided screens around the Hangzhou Wulin Commercial District, the information of 2,685 parking spaces in 8 public parking garages "is visible".

Du Lei, deputy secretary of the Party Working Committee of Tianshui Street, Xiacheng District, where the Wulin Commercial District is located, introduced that through the parallel connection of the "Urban Brain" digital cockpit and the warehouse system, the Wulin Commercial District has achieved a 45% increase in the average utilization rate of warehouse berths and a U-turn rate. Notable results such as a 62% drop.

  Not only is the speed and temperature brought about by the "rise of the berth", the "urban brain" of Hangzhou has now built 11 large systems and 48 application scenarios, with an average of 120 million pieces of collaborative data per day, penetrating the corners of social governance.

  Looking at Zhejiang, with the acceleration of the construction of the “province of palm service” and “province of palm office”, the provincial government’s digital level of social governance and people’s livelihood services continues to improve, and the construction of digital government ranks first in the country. Under the new thinking, “integrated smart governance” "Exhibit everything.

  Yuan Jiajun, secretary of the Zhejiang Provincial Party Committee, stated that it is necessary to use digital reform to empower modernization, build a "digital Zhejiang" at a high level, and build a "digital intelligence economy" of "all-chain intelligent manufacturing", and "digital intelligence governance" of "integrated intelligent governance". The "digital intelligence life" of "multi-dimensional wisdom", the "digital intelligence ecology" of "high-energy intelligence source", and the "digital intelligence hub" of "two-way intelligence communication", strive to create a new highland of digital transformation and a digital China demonstration zone.

  It can be seen that Wuzhen is a window. Pushing this window open, the Internet allows people to see the light and the future.
